Category: Fiction

  • The Revenge of Babylon: Historical Fiction Story

    Old Nadav smoothed his thickly gray beard with his fingers and turned to his grandson, who was pestering him with questions, putting aside the silver goblet on which he was engraving the pattern. Why are you bothering me, Osher? You prevent me from working.  He grumbled in a voice that did not feel any…

  • Future in American Science Fiction Short Stories

    More than any modern genre of fiction, science fiction is predominantly written with a social purpose. Such a goal is rarely to explicitly to predict the future, especially since in many cases the predictive features of science fiction are at best mediocre. While in hindsight, it is easy to select stories with elements of fiction…

  • The Definition of the Science Fiction

    Science fiction (SF) stands amongst the worlds most popular genres of literature and cinematography alike. To define it, one should first look more closely at the two parts its name consists of  science and fiction. When separated, they seem incompatible since fiction stands for something not real by default, while science operates with more…

  • Human Behavior Depicted in Science Fiction Works

    Science fiction is successful enough to convey the message that human behavior changes under political and scientific changes. It is important to note that most of these changes are not very encouraging. Human beings lose all the considerate thoughts for their fellow beings and turn into inhuman beasts ready to harm others for their survival.…

  • Standards of Quality Prose Fiction

    High quality prose fiction is characterized by several unique features. These features include a properly chosen point of view, precise themes, appropriate stylistic devices, a relevant setting and realistic characters (Beers 27). Features such as themes, stylistic devices, setting and characters may be shared among many genres of literature but prose fiction uses them or…

  • Fiction Elements in Chopins The Story of an Hour

    In 1984, Kate Chopin published a short story titled The Story of an Hour. The name of the narrative alludes to the period of time during which Louise Mallard, the protagonist of the story, first finds that her husband, Brently, has passed away. Later on in this story, Brently discovers that he is still alive.…

  • Postmodern Ideas and Realism in Works of Fiction

    Table of Contents Introduction Modernism Postmodernism realism and fiction Linearity Disjunction Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Postmodernism is a broad academic term that came into the limelight in the mid- 1980s. It refers to certain aspects of works on different disciplines done after the Second World War. The works vary from: music, literature, fashion, art, communication,…

  • Implications of Fiction for Children

    Table of Contents Introduction Negative Implications Positive Implications Reading Fiction Books is Better Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Fiction is a genre of literature that involves invented characters, they are usually in prose and are primarily novels. Childrens fiction has been used over time, and the question of what impact it had on their lives arose.…

  • Perseverance in American Fiction and Non-Fiction: The Soft-Hearted Sioux by Zitkala-Sa

    Perseverance is one of the key traits associated with the American identity. The short story The soft-hearted Sioux by Zitkala-Sa is a perfect example of this trait. The main character of this story is a Native American who wishes to follow a path different from his ancestors. Despite the pressure from his tribe, the young…

  • Science Fiction as Literature of Change

    Science fiction as a genre of modern literature is organically integrated into the public worldview, in the humanitarian culture of the 20th and early 21st centuries. It responds to a new type of creative person, as it is directed towards the future, contributes to the building of social projects of a new cultural and social…