Category: Flood

  • Natural Disasters: The Budalangi Flood

    The world is full of natural occurrences. Sometimes floods come when people are not aware. The Budalangi flood occurred when people believed that the dykes the government had constructed would protect them. When natural disasters occur, it is how people respond that determines the extent of the damage on human life. It was on a…

  • Causes of Flood Essay

    Floods are caused by many things. Many times it rains too much, other times a dam breaks; however, the effects of floods devastating. Floods can cause environmental losses as well and economical losses, land is washed away, homes are ruined, and people sometimes even die. This essay is about the causes and effects that flood…

  • Effect of Flooding on Cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia

    Egypt and Mesopotamia were two civilizations that bore as many similarities as did differences. Mesopotamia was originally concentrated in Tigris and Euphrates rivers valleys though it gradually spread to other areas. The effects of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers largely impacted the Mesopotamian culture more so about its frequent and destructive floods. This is unlike…

  • Noahs Floods: Development of the Grand Canyon Rocks

    The solar system is believed to have majorly contributed to the formation of the Earth when a cloud of massive swirling dust and gas condensed through a supercooling. Earth has evolved over 4.5 billion years, after such occurrences of massive cooling (Hill, 2016). The solid formed is the current core and the crust, on which…

  • Effects of Flood and Risk Management Measures

    Globally , flooding is one of the major natural disaster has been increasing as the frequency of flooding which causes from the combination natural hazards, human settlement induced factors and is held responsible for a huge number of damaging events than any other type of natural event have increased . in a minimum flood losses…

  • The Year of the Flood Analysis

    The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood is a Science Fiction novel that was written in 2010. The novels complexity and futuristic happenings make the read exceptional even at the surface level. With further analysis, this novel is extremely notable tieing together themes that are of the utmost relevance today. The themes observed throughout…

  • The Environmental History The National Flood Insurance Program: A Malignant Growth of Risk

    The Environmental History The National Flood Insurance Program (1968-2019): A Malignant Growth of Risk Hurricane Harvey caused the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to fall into debt around the amount of $20 billion. Although the NFIP managed to remain sustainable through the new age of superstorms like Sandy and Katrina, neoliberals rallied around this federal…

  • Role of Geospatial Technologies in Flood Management

    The data collected from IRS regarding Optical and Microwave, Landsat ERS and also Radarsat sequence of satellites were used to map and display the extent of flood activities in close to real-time mode. Information on damage caused due to floods is informed to the responsible departments to allow them prepare fundamental relief measures and to…

  • How to Help Flood Victims? Essay

    The impact of natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires can be felt for weeks, months, and even years after disaster strikes. Rebuilding and recovery take a lot of time and effort and resources often run short, leading to greater complications for evacuees and others who have been affected. Here are 5 of the most effective…

  • Why Is Immediate Flood Cleanup Important? Essay

    If your home has experienced a flood, you need to act fast. Experts recommend starting a flood cleanup within 24 hours as its critical to preventing long-term damages. After the floodwaters have receded, theres definitely some amount of relief, but one should not ignore the aftermath of a flood. Waterlogged areas are known to harbour…