Category: Flu

  • H1N1 Flu as a Major Threat for Human Health



    Introduction The recent outbreak of H1N1 began on April 13 2009 in Mexico when a new strain of H1N1 influenza A was reported. Within a short period of time, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic alert that changed from level 3 to level 6. Until the first week of August this year, WHO…

  • Quality Improvement Initiative  Influenza Vaccination



    Table of Contents Introduction Summation of Quality Improvement Initiatives Quality Improvement Measures and Importance SMART Goals and Stakeholders Tools, Policies, and Resources Advanced Health Information Technology QI Initiative Incorporation into Strategic Planning Evaluation of the QI Initiative Conclusion References Introduction The health of medical providers is an essential factor that not only reduces the risk…

  • The Influenza Vaccine Study Critical Evaluation



    In recent years, with the advancements in social media, it has become even more crucial to be critical of the incoming information. In the cases of health-related content, the well-being of not only individuals but the whole community or even the world can depend on it. The mass spread of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic…

  • Influenza Vaccine: The Effectiveness Against Hospitalization in Children



    Table of Contents Introduction Phenomenon of Interest Philosophical Viewpoints Ways of Knowing Conclusion References Introduction Influenza, also called flu, is among the most contagious infections that tamper with the passage of air in the lungs. The symptoms of influenza include coughs, body aches, high fever, sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, among other symptoms. Influenza…

  • The H1N1 Influenza Virus: Benefits of Vaccination



    Table of Contents Introduction Main text Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The coronavirus pandemic is not the first major epidemic in the 21st century. In 2009, the H1N1 virus, which is a subtype of influenza A1, caused a swine flu epidemic (Jilani et al.). In addition, the same virus was responsible for one of the largest…

  • Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccination



    Mandatory vaccines have been a controversial topic for many decades. This is because historically, the responsibility of public health preservation remains at the hands of the state and local governments. In efforts to curb the spread of communicable diseases, these responsibilities and powers may involve the institution of mandatory vaccination legislations and quarantines. The history…

  • Avian Influenza as Community Health Nursing Issue



    Avian influenza is a flu infection that occurs in birds, but birds can mutate or change the virus that causes avian influenza and spread it to humans (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Today, researchers have identified two types of avian influenza viruses (H5N1 and H7N9) that affect humans. The H7N9 mutates faster in…

  • Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program



    Introduction The focus of this paper is on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) vaccination program on seasonal influenza. The study aims at investigating the effectiveness of the program in terms of seeking long-term and viable solutions to seasonal influenza. This will be achieved by exploring various peer-reviewed literature that has been devoted towards evaluating…

  • Influenza Immunizations in Low-Income Communities



    The purpose of the present review of literature is to gain a more in-depth insight into the causes of the insufficient influenza immunization rate among low-income communities and the existing solutions to managing the identified problem. The most effective interventions for overcoming low anti-flu vaccination levels will be singled out from the analyzed articles. Primary…

  • No One Has Time for Flu: Visual Media Analysis



    No One Has Time for Flu is an advertising campaign aimed at promoting flu vaccination across the United States. It was launched last year in November to address the importance of having a flu shot, especially in terms of the ongoing pandemic, which would reduce the number of medical resources for those infected with the…