Category: Football

  • The National Football League Anti-trust Law

    Table of Contents Introduction General evaluation NFL and antitrust law Pros and cons Conclusion Reference Introduction The world of professional sport in America undergoes several negative features. The thing is that in most of the leagues represented in the United States the economical issues became dominating over the direct approach to the sport. The National…

  • Racial Disparity in Professional Football: Rooney Rule

    Nowadays, an open conversation about equal rights and workplace diversity is reaching its peak in the form of viral social media campaigns and public demonstrations. Professional sport is no different from any other industrial sector in corporate America, although the racial gap in the ranks of head coaches and senior staff is more visible. The…

  • Racial Disparity in Professional Football: Rooney Rule

    Nowadays, an open conversation about equal rights and workplace diversity is reaching its peak in the form of viral social media campaigns and public demonstrations. Professional sport is no different from any other industrial sector in corporate America, although the racial gap in the ranks of head coaches and senior staff is more visible. The…

  • American Football League v. National Football League Case

    Case Summary American Football League vs. National Football League, 205 F. Supp. 60 (D. Md. 1962) The American Football league, abbreviated as AFL, filed a lawsuit against the national football league (NFL) on the grounds of the Anti-Trust Act breach. The AFL sought to get injunctive relief and recover damages that resulted from the monopolization…

  • Ranking Systems: FIFA and US College Football

    Table of Contents Introduction FIFA Ranking System US College Football Ranking System Comparison Introduction Sport championships and leagues all over the world revolve around the spirit of competition that is maintained through the application of systems of ranking. Such systems determine how points are assigned to teams or individual competitors in order to identify the…

  • 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup Stadia Development in Cape Town: Resident Perceptions

    Research performed by Bob and Swart (2009) assessed the ideas and suggestions of the people surrounding the venues of the 2014 FIFA in South Africa. This study was conducted after overlooking the residents ideas even though they were to be affected by the sports. It was performed before commencing the event in order to retrieve…

  • Training Football Athletes: Key Aspects

    Without any doubt, training football athletes is a demanding and rewarding job. It is crucial to choose the exercises that are the most effective. It is challenging, as numerous experts give different advice regarding the issue, and it may be problematic to understand which one to follow. Nevertheless, many exercises have proved to be useful…

  • Football and other Sports: Influence on Childrens Life

    Children are the future. We dedicate our lives to raising kind and active individuals who can lead a healthy and meaningful life. This letter is to request that you send a coach, member or player to Stanford HS, Stanwood, WA, to help children lead that rewarding life. Currently, I coach the Stanwood team Spartans and…

  • Soccer: Effects of Sprint Training

    Undoubtedly, millions of individuals all over the world consider soccer to be their favorite spectator sport. Training soccer players is an engaging and demanding activity, and it is crucial to make the most of this process to be a successful coach. Therefore, one must be aware of different exercises and the ways they improve athletes…

  • American Football as a Popular Kind of Sport in the US

    American football is a popular kind of sport in the United States, but it does not mean that it is free from any disadvantages. A severe issue refers to the fact that professional players are often subject to health problems, which deteriorates the quality of their lives. These adverse consequences explain the presence of critics…