Category: Football

  • Sport and Television: Football Support

    To retain its target audience and remain a popular activity, the sport needs the support of television as one of the main media tools. Television provides ample chances for the sports industry to attract investors and new participants. However, the rise in influence and grasp comes at a price, which constitutes the changes in how…

  • Speed Drill: Agility Training in Young Elite Soccer Players

    The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain a speed drill for a specific athlete, using logical arguments and visual elements. The video that was provided for this discussion suggests several crucial points that will be taken into account when devising this exercise. A description of the target athlete will be provided, as…

  • Football in Ghana and Its Relationship with the Rest of the World (Player Transfers)

    Introduction, Background, Literature Review, evaluation, and Gaps Football is one of the most popular sports not only in Ghana but in the region of Africa and the global society. According to Bellucci (2019), football was introduced in Ghana by European merchants in the 19th century. It gained massive popularity among the locals during a short…

  • The Football Impact on the European Region

    Football is undoubtedly one of the most famous sports across the globe, with a large percentage of the worlds population very interested in the following football. The European region has been considered to be the worlds most prominent fan organization, with around three million football fans (Faccia et al., 2020). Having such numbers directly affects…

  • The Negotiation Process in Football

    Negotiation is a progression in which two sides try to resolve a dispute or argument and come to a mutual agreement (Barry, Lewicki, and Saunders, 1). According to Cellich and Jain (2003), negotiation involves the presentation of arguments by both parties to the negotiation then trying to initiate a pact that satisfies the objectives of…

  • Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football Documentary

    Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football is a documentary film about a tight-knit community of Muslim Americans in Dearborn, Michigan, who are focused on their passion and support for the Fordson High School football team. The story begins at Fordson High School, a public school that was once attended by only white students but now is proud…

  • Impact of Qatar Hosting FIFA World Cup 2022

    The FIFA world cup is a significant mega-event that prominently engages people from diverse backgrounds for sporting competitions. The concept fosters a profound impact on the host country, mainly the economic growth and development (Mair et al., 2021). Qatar is hosting the FIFA sporting activity in 2022, rendering optimal opportunities for improving brand image and…

  • FIFA World Cup: History and Future

    Table of Contents Introduction The nature of the competition as a spectacle Significance to the participating soccer teams and their fans References Introduction Generally, spectacle refers to a memorable event due to the appearance it creates. Also, the word spectacle has been used in the seventeenth-century art in theater in English drama. On the other…

  • Soccer in the US, Its Development and Popularity

    Table of Contents Introduction Importance of Global Influence Commercial Success and Athletic Opportunities General Appeal Lack of Initial Success Conclusion Introduction Soccer is one of the most popular sports globally because of the high number of individuals participating. Many countries and other individuals have invested a significant number of resources towards ensuring effectiveness in the…

  • Valuation of Southampton Football Club

    Introduction Southampton Football Club is a sports team in the United Kingdom that competes in the English Premier League. Being among the most popular teams in the league, an investor is inquiring on whether or not the team is worth acquiring. This means that valuation is supposed to be conducted and provide insights to determine…