Category: Foster Care

  • Foster Care Peculiarities In The United States

    Abstract Efforts at child protection are structured by the policy regimes in which they are enmeshed (Edwards, 2016). According to Nesmith, Patton, Christophersen, & Smart (2017), the goal of the US foster care system is to provide safe, stable, nurturing home environments for children who cannot safely live with their family of origin. Child welfare…

  • Foster Care And Homelessness

    Benjamin Eaton was Americas first foster child at 7 years old. Since then, Charles Loring Brace started the free foster home movement in 1853. Now, there is approximately 440,000 foster youth nationwide. When it comes to the topic of foster care, most experts will readily agree that emancipating youth do become homeless. Where this agreement…

  • The Harsh Reality Of The Foster Care System

    Have you ever heard anything dealing with the issues of the foster care system lately? Well, to begin with, the foster care system, is a government program where children are placed in if they ever become an orphan or are taken custody of by the child protective services. Each year thousands of children are placed…

  • Should Neglected And Abused Children Be Placed In Foster Care?

    Approximately 700,00 children are abused each year in the United States. (National Childrens Alliance) Fortunately, there are organizations that have been put in place to help intervene in the event that parents are reported for potential maltreatment of their children. With good intentions, the foster care system was put in place to protect these children,…

  • Foster Care System: How Does It Work?

    Unfortunately, not all women who give birth to a child have the requirements or the proper conditions to raise one. Many children around the world are left with improper care due to inadequate parents. Parents that may have substance abuse problems or even physically abuse their young ones. Therefore, a system was put in place…

  • Broken Foster Care System

    Foster care system is one of the biggest crisis that America is facing today. Foster care refers to a minor who faced neglect or any abuse and is a place in a ward, group home, or a private home care giver. This event means the government has a sole custody of the child. The government…

  • Foster Care: Policy And Effectiveness

    To be able to completely recognize and understand the full policy and programs, knowing how and why they were developed is important. Background information will also be vital to thoroughly grasping their purposes and goals. The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program, and John…

  • The Disadvantages Of Foster Care

    Foster care is a temporary home for children who cannot live with their familys. It sometimes does good and helps kids find a good and healthy home to live in with a supportive family. It also has many flaws. Foster care needs to change because kids age out of foster care with no support, childrens…

  • How Growing Up In Foster Care Affects Different Domains

    The foster system is in place to aid children whose parents or families cannot take care of them, the system creates a nurturing place for children to grow up in temporary placement until they can be reunified with their families or when a permanent home has been found for them. Many children have entered the…

  • How Does Long Term Foster Care Affect Foster Children

    Instead of growing in my belly, you have grown in my heart by an anonymous person. What this quote tells me is even though she might not have the same DNA, be related that she is still a mother that can still have a natural maternal heart for her child and that she loves it…