Category: Free Will

  • The Controversy between Free Will and Determinism

    As culturally complex and social beings, humans value a variety of things, such as friendship, love, and freedom. Furthermore, a high intellectual capacity for abstract reasoning, logical thinking, and critical analysis opens up a universe of diverse ideas and views on the same concepts and topics. This diversity gives rise to controversy, dispute, and debates…

  • Free Will: Responsibility or Predetermination?

    Table of Contents Free Will Theories Roderick Chisholm on Free Will The Opponents of Chisholms Theory Chisholms Theory: Response to Criticism The Essence of the Free Will Conclusion References People use their free will to make decisions every day: what to eat for breakfast, when to leave home, how much time to spend on social…

  • Can God Create Humans With Free Will Who Never Commit Evil? by Thai

    The issue of whether God could have created persons with free will who never do evil has been addressed by theologians and philosophers. The essay Can God create humans with free will who never commit evil? by Thai and Pillay delves into this complex topic, touching on God, free choice, and human wickedness. The notable…

  • The Problem of Free Will

    John Searle and Rene Descartes on Dualism Descartes philosophy can be represented as an extreme manifestation of dualism since the philosopher believed that a mind does not have any physical properties and, thus, is related directly to consciousness. Searle, on the other hand, believed that there is a strong biological connection between the functions of…

  • Free Will in Hard Determinism, Soft Determinism and Libertarianism

    The questions of free will were always agitating the minds of philosophers. This could be explained by peoples tendency to acknowledge the responsibility of ones actions. The questions that might arise ask whether there were other options in doing certain options or it was already predetermined. As a purpose of clarifying the different movements explaining…

  • Free Will According to Susan Wolf

    According to Susan Wolf, free will involves conducting oneself in a manner that is consistent with reason guided by what is good and what is true. This means that people are free when they do the correct things and slaves to their own flesh when they act in the wrong manner. To make her argument…

  • Do Human Beings Have Free Will?

    Free will, what is it and do human beings have it? Does everyone have free will? Is free will a concept to be able to account for the evils within our world if you believe in any form of a higher power? Is free will a real thing, or is everyones fate predetermined and just…

  • Frankford and Campbells View of Free Will

    Introduction Free will is the ability of one to choose a course of action with his/her own control. It is the ability of people to control their action with out any external influence from another party. Those who believe in free will take various positions about this very broad subject. These positions include compatibilism (determinism)…

  • Free Will by Kant, Descartes, Sartre, and Nietzsche

    Introduction Can human beings act independently and make their own choices, or their decisions are not autonomous and are influenced by various factors? Do they have the right to do what they want? Are they free? Individuals have always been trying to find answers to these questions as they can help to understand the basics…

  • Free Will from dHobachs Determinist Perspective

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Reference Introduction The quote Mans life is a line that nature commands him to describe upon the surface of the earth& is a great example of a determinist philosophy concept. It was written by dHolbach in his work The System of Nature, which was published in 1770 (Speaks,…