Category: Freedom

  • Issues on Internet: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

    The Internet has never been popular than now. With a rapidly growing user base, the internet has become a household thing that is used by almost everyone in the house for activities such as entertainment, shopping, education, and socializing. While the Internet itself is a blessing for anybody who uses it, there are also several…

  • Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Post Script Introduction Contemporary society rests on the critical importance of fundamental human rights. Every individual is born to be free and enjoy all benefits that are available in the modern world. This statement can be considered a motto of our time impacting the functioning of states and…

  • How Does the Freedom to Choose Ancestries in Ones Identity Differ for Whites and People of Color

    Table of Contents Introduction Symbolic Identity and Freedom of Choice Oppositional Identities Conclusion Introduction Although people cannot choose their ancestors, ethnicity as a social concept is believed to be optional. According to Waters (1996), belonging to a particular ethnos is a choice based on a belief in a common ancestry (p. 1). The majority of…

  • Freedom and Social Status of Blacks in America

    Introduction We live in time when many descendants of slave owners have come to realization of their historical guilt. However, only very few of them understand that such realization, on their part, draws practical consequences. It appears that the majority of White people in America are not quite ready to admit that, despite their strive…

  • Freedom of Speech Peculiarities

    Table of Contents Introduction Regulations Guarding the Freedom of Speech Rights of the mentally ill Conclusion Work Cited Introduction The term freedom of speech refers to being at liberty to express ones opinions, views, and opinions without any hindrance or fear of being punished. Even though there is freedom of speech as provided in the…

  • The Freedom of Expression

    Free speech is one of the fundamental rights existing in democracies, including the United States. The Constitution guarantees ones unabridged right to express oneself freely, and people often appeal to the First Amendment when accused of crossing the boundaries. However, the concept tends to be misunderstood and abused, leading to controversial situations centuries after it…

  • Freedom of Speech in British Universities

    Table of Contents Introduction Methodology Attention Need Satisfaction Visualization Action Conclusion Reference List Footnotes Introduction Freedom of speech is considered one of the crucial aspects of any democratic society. There are many debates around this issue, as well as different positions supported and opposed. On the one hand, this right was supported by the representatives…

  • Freedom From Beliefs Native Americans

    In the United States, the people who are called Native Americans are those who came from North America. They are from different racial groups and statuses. Native Americans are known by different names viz. Indians, Red Indians, African Americans, American Indians, and so on. Here in these three essays writer highly criticizes the European-American Christian…

  • Freedom of Speech on the Internet

    The general topic of my research paper concerns exploring freedom of speech, with a specific focus on each persons right to express their thoughts on the Internet. The idea of my topic is reflected in the above working title of the proposal, but I am also considering the following title: Social Networks Impact on Freedom…

  • Freedom and Security in the Contemporary World

    In the United States, as well as in many other developed and developing countries, the issues of freedom and security play an important role. People are involved in debates to understand if it is normal to sacrifice personal freedoms in order to stay safe. Regarding political demands and social norms, freedom and security become conflicting…