Category: Gender

  • Gender, Race and Sexuality Issues in Society

    Gender difference is not biologically based, but instead it is a social construction because individuals are socialized to behave in a certain manner with specific roles to play. Women have never enjoyed their rights and freedom since time in memorial because of male patriarchy and oppression that society has always perpetrated against them. Feminism emerged…

  • Parents Gender Roles and Childrens Aspirations

    Table of Contents Introduction Gender stereotypes Conclusion References Introduction The article in question dwells upon the development of stereotypes in children and adolescents. Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014) state that parents inflict their implicit and explicit beliefs concerning gender roles on their children. Croft et al. (2014) utilize the social role theory as a…

  • Gender Inequality as an International Issue

    The Topic of the Presentation The presentation and the current paper are devoted to a significant international issue: gender inequality. In particular, the presentation focuses on the inequality in career progression that is still characteristic of several societies all over the world, including the US (Friedman 148-149). Apart from that, the presentation attempts to examine…

  • Male Gender Role in the Chinese Workplace

    Table of Contents Introduction Role of Power and Capital in the Workplace Foucaults Take on Power Bourdieus Take on Capitalism Post-Colonialism Concept on Power Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The definition of a man, especially in the workplace, is closely tied to the definition of a woman. Whereas a woman in the workplace is defined as…

  • Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Adults

    Introduction The definition of gender and sex is controversial and has resulted in the adoption of various terms with different meanings between distinct disciplines. Confusion chiefly stems from the fact that the English language defines sex as the state of being female or male and also sexuality. Sexuality and sex denote the biological indicators of…

  • Gender and Education by David, Ball, Davies, and Reay

    Table of Contents Introduction A Statement of the Research Problem Analysis of the Data Strength and Weaknesses in the Procedural Design Limited and Justifiable Conclusions References Introduction Nowadays the choice of higher education plays an important role in professional self-determination. Making the choice is not easy as the market of educational services is very wide…

  • Gender-Based Social Responsibilities and Structure

    Table of Contents Men Who Mother by Risman Social Structure and Self-Direction by Kohn and Slomczynski Lack of axiomatic integrity Absence of interpretative insights Works Cited Men Who Mother by Risman Nowadays, it became a common practice among many sociologists in the West (especially those affiliated with the feminist paradigm in sociology) to downplay the…

  • Gender Bias Issues: Types of Gender Bias in the Workplace and Their Impact on Productivity

    Table of Contents Background Literature Review Analysis Conclusion References Issues of gender bias have been identified as critical in organizational theory and behavior. Today, there are more calls for equal treatment of both men and women in organizations. It is important to note that the issue of gender bias revolves around several aspects of organizational…

  • The Impact of Gender on Pay and Their Gap

    The difference between the amount of money paid to men and women is a worldwide issue. The problem has been persistent for decades despite womens efforts for equality in the job market. According to Schieder and Gould (2016), women are paid 79 cents for every dollar paid to men. (1) Most organizations, particularly private companies,…

  • Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in the U.S.

    Relationships Between Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the American Society Although sex, gender, and sexuality are different phenomena, they are closely interrelated. Sex is seen as a biological category defined by ones genitals, hormones, and chromosome set, while gender includes social behaviors and traits essential for biological sex. The concept of sexuality refers to a…