Category: Gender Differences

  • Gender Difference in Trifles by Susan Glaspell

    The play Trifles, written by Susan Glaspell in 1916, illustrates the authors concerns about gender culture and gender roles in society. Society views womens problems as insignificant, especially where men dominate. The author correctly raises the question of the value of female and male attitudes, which presents the reader with the same dilemma she faced.…

  • Gender Difference in Trifles by Susan Glaspell

    The play Trifles, written by Susan Glaspell in 1916, illustrates the authors concerns about gender culture and gender roles in society. Society views womens problems as insignificant, especially where men dominate. The author correctly raises the question of the value of female and male attitudes, which presents the reader with the same dilemma she faced.…

  • Longevity and Gender Differences in Health

    In the social context, men have been perceived as being the superior gender throughout time. However, with more focus on scientific justification, it has been proven that men do not live as long as women. Research proves that there is a definitive role for gender within health and illness. There are many factors that are…

  • Essay about Identity Crisis

    The identity crisis of women from the perspective of The Darling and Profession for women The concept of identity crisis originates in the work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson, who believed that the formation of identity was one of the most important parts of a person’s life. When people are confused about their role or…

  • The Relation Between Masculinity Roles, Depression And Social Media

    ABSTRACT Research shows a link between masculine roles, depression and social media (SM). This was explored via semi-structured interviews using male participants between 18-30 years of age who frequently used SM. Interview questions focused on attitudes and opinions about social media activity and masculinity. Thematic Analysis was used to analyse the data, and 2 themes…

  • Analysis of Positive and Negative Outcomes Associated with Gender Differences

    Literature Review The primary research question of this study is to search and analyze for any direct positive and negative outcomes associated with gender impacts in decision-making, studies in this literature are divided into the following themes; a) gender differences in managerial decision-making create work-related difficulties, b) Gender impacts in managerial decisions can be used…

  • Analysis of Misogyny in Hip Hop

    While many studies focused on women and the problem of sexism, only a few researchers have spotted the light on misogyny against women in hip-hop music. Hip hop as we mentioned before is an art style that was first known in America by the 1980s and introduced to Moroccan society by a few groups that…

  • Education Gender Gap: Impact of Gender Differences on Education

    In this essay, I will review an article published by Tina Rampino on the education gender gap, specifically on the attitude and aspirations of school-going males and females. Rampino begins by setting the scene in terms of gender differences in performance and identifying some of the sociological debates surrounding these. Rampinos research confirms previous studies…

  • Essay on Gender Differences in the Use of Language Tools

    Women or men, which group is more likely to learn a new language and what effect does gender have on the new language learning process? Are women more inclined to learn a new language or men? Is there a connection between bilingualism and gender? What gender characteristics affect the mastery and learning of a new…

  • Essay on Gender Differences in Experiencing Embarrassment and Related Emotions

    There is a plethora of evidence contributing to the emotional expression in individuals and whether or not, it varies according to gender. Chaplin and Aldao (2013) found that positive emotion expressions and internalizing negative emotion expressions are more evident in girls whereas externalizing negative emotions are expressed more by boys. However, Ferguson and Eyre (2000)…