Category: Genetically Modified Food

  • GMOs in Today’s World

    Everyday, citizens go to their local grocery store to buy food. Many foods claim to be healthy to eat and provide the most nutrition. Some of these foods could contain a label showing GMO or non-GMO, and this can be confusing for some people. What do these food labels mean to everyday people, and should…

  • Is Genetically Modified Food Harmful or Healthy? Argumentative Essay

    Genetically modified food in some communities is still mistakenly considered as too risky technology. For instance, an anti-GMO group called the Non-GMO Project maintains that there still are not enough trustworthy studies, this type of food can be avoided and GM does not have any pros at all. And, it is easy to understand this…

  • Non-GMO Vs GMO: Argumentative Essay

    This is an argumentative research essay. The topic that I have chosen to write about is genetically modified organisms vs. non-genetically modified organisms. It has been big debate for many years in this country. I have done a couple of different since experiments in the past that tie into this topic. There are many different…

  • Pros and Cons of Golden Rice

    Organisms that have altered genomes in them are known as transgenics. A transgenic is essentially when an organism has been altered through the injection of another animals genes. Transgenics are generated in a laboratory either for commercial or research purposes and are created through the process of recombinant DNA where one gene is taken from…

  • Personal Opinion about GMO Foods

    GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. GMO foods are made through genetic engineering. According to my past knowledge of GMO foods is that they are very dangerous. They lead to many health risks that may lead to cancer or damaged organs. Thats just naming a few of the problems it can cause. With GMO theyre…

  • Pros and Cons of GMOs

    Introduction to GMOs: Definition and Overview GMOs, a highly disputed topic around the world. Huge organizations like Monsanto, Bayer, and the Center for Food Safety are constantly contending over pros vs. cons. Though, what exactly is a GMO? In summary, a GMO or genetically modified organism is when one organism’s genetics are revised to give…

  • Essay on Pros of GMOs

    Some believe that GMOs, genetically modified organisms, are radical, unstable, and treacherous forms of food that should not be eaten. The truth is far from what many have heard. In actuality, a GMO is an organism that has had its DNA modified by scientists in order to change a part of that organism for the…

  • Benefits of GMOs: Persuasive Speech

    Have you ever known that GMOs is safe for humans life? GMOs is considered to be safe and dangerous by some people. There was a debate in 2018 that showed about genetically modified food, which is created for preventing from pests, infecting from virus ad contaminating from some insecticide chemical. There are some advantages and…

  • Value of GMO Labeling as a First Step to Banning GMOs: Argumentative Essay

    Recall back to the last meal yall had; now think about how much of that food you consumed was genetically modified. Nearly more than half of todays processed food contains genetically modified organisms, contrarily known as GMOs. If you have never questioned where the food you consume on a daily basis comes from, it is…

  • Purpose of GMOs

    GMOs are genetic materials that are used to prevent foods from rotting. GMOs, known as genetically modified organisms, are organisms that alter a segment of DNA from other organisms (GMO Facts). Farmers have said if this is safe or not. Many scientists say that GMOs are safe due to long-term feeding research which says, the…