Category: Geoffrey Chaucer

  • Geoffrey Chaucer: Short Biography

    Geoffrey Chaucer the outstanding English poet before Shakespeare and the first finder of our language. His The Canterbury Tales ranks as one of the greatest poetic works in English. He also contributed importantly in the second half of the 14th century to the management of public affairs as courtier, diplomat, and civil servant. In that…

  • Geoffrey Chaucer as the Father of English Poetry

    Chaucer is referred not only as father of English poetry but also as father of English language and literature. Even today English literature is incomplete without reading him. Every student when get admission in English literature he has to read poetry from the very beginning. For this, he reads Chaucers poetry in detail especially his…

  • Critical Analysis of Chaucers Legends of Good Women

    Many of the criticisms of Chaucers Legends of Good Women stem from his style of writing  he presents himself as a reader and wonders if he should trust the authority of the text over his own experience. In the Prologue, The God of Love is presented as a literary critic who judges Chaucers previous…

  • Canterbury Tales Essay Summary

    Introduction The Canterbury Tales, a cornerstone of English literature, penned by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late 14th century, offers a vivid portrayal of medieval society. Through a collection of 24 stories, Chaucer ingeniously weaves a tapestry of characters, each representing a different stratum of the feudal society of his time. Set against the backdrop of…