Category: Goals

  • Community Agency: Needs Assessment, Projects, and Future Goals

    Table of Contents Introduction Needs Assessment in the Community Current Projects and Future Goals Healthy People 2020 References Introduction It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower families and young people to be successful through the care continuum that promotes growth and healing. Its vision is to lead in the creation of a…

  • Communication Goals and Attainment Practices

    Establishing and securing diverse communication goals is an essential task for any individual. Attaining knowledge and conveying various emotions and perceptions becomes possible through extensive interactions with other individuals, which require an understanding of public speaking. Some scholars state that successful organization and achievement of communication aims is a necessary skill that improves public relations…

  • Sustainable Development Goals and Agri-Food Governance in South America

    The spread of poverty also has a negative impact on the environment. As the situation of citizens improves, they have a greater impact on nature, as they begin to consume more material goods. That is why the main goal of sustainable development is the introduction of renewable resources. Eradicating poverty must go hand in hand…

  • Social Class, Life Chances and Goals Achievement

    Table of Contents Introduction Social Classes Review Factors to Determine Social Classes Social Class and Goals Achievement Conclusion References Introduction A society is not a homogeneous formation: people tend to constitute unequal subgroups known as classes. Whether a person belongs to the upper strata or comes from the lower ones determines their success or failure…

  • Habitat for Humanity Internationals Main Goals

    Table of Contents Introduction Short-Term Goals Long-Term Goals Importance of Goal Setting Conclusion References Introduction Habitat for Humanity International (HHI) is a non-profit organization with the vision of a world where all people have decent accommodation. HHI operates in more than 70 countries around the globe and partners with volunteers and low-income families to build…

  • Sustainable Development Goals and Agri-Food Governance in South America

    The spread of poverty also has a negative impact on the environment. As the situation of citizens improves, they have a greater impact on nature, as they begin to consume more material goods. That is why the main goal of sustainable development is the introduction of renewable resources. Eradicating poverty must go hand in hand…

  • How Can the Unit Manager Training to Accomplish Mission Goals?

    Training management is one of the core competencies of non-commissioned officers (NCO), which requires specific skills for the leaders in training soldiers for high-quality performance. The case study introduces the Dagger Brigades efforts to fill in the gap in staffing and ensure mission goals achievements. Under the circumstances of the urgent need for deployment to…

  • Defining Behavioral and Social Skills Goals

    The PLOP examines a 4th grader Sarah, who has a clinical diagnosis of bipolar disorder and ADHD. Based on her areas of need, Sarah lacks concentration and focus on a particular topic during the instruction. She also needs to improve her social skills to alleviate the expressions of anger and frustration. The most critical issue…

  • Youth Ministry: Goals, Methods, and Standards

    Table of Contents Reasons for Youth Ministry Goals of Youth Ministry Methods for Youth Ministry Standards for Youth Ministry Reasons for Youth Ministry Youth ministry is the practice of working with younger people that promotes Christian faith and church attendance. Children have a different way of connecting with Gods word compared to adults, and a…

  • The Ministry of the Prophet: Meanings and Goals

    The Calling, The Prophetic Voice, Character, New Covenant Prophets The ministry of the prophet is referred to as any ministry that depends on the gift of prophecy and revelations from God to guide the church to maturity or a specific direction. The prophetic ministry is seen most often in the Old Testament, where prophets were…