Category: Google

  • Copyright Law: The Authors Guild vs Google

    Introduction The modern digitalized society provides multiple benefits for people because of the accessibility of information. At the same time, it also generates many concerns about the protection of data and copyright issues. The fact is that the rapid development of the Internet and emergence various databases containing thousands of works introduced significant problems to…

  • The US Copyright Law in the Oracle v. Google Case

    Table of Contents Introduction Identifying the Laws Applied Analysis of the Case Conclusion References Introduction The expansion of digital technologies into peoples daily lives and all spheres of human activity, especially business, creates new opportunities and challenges, especially in the legal field. The most common and complex are civil cases over copyright and intellectual property.…

  • Social Media Analytics With Google and Other Tools

    Introduction The presence of the internet has enabled continuous development and usage of social media networks. Other than personal use, social media has facilitated the storage of a large amount of content and a rapid diffusion of information. Most businesses have realized the benefits of social media and have exploited it to increase their competitive…

  • Analysis: Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Carr

    The impact of technological progress on peoples consciousness and thinking capacity has always been under study in current research. With the rapid expansion of the Internet in the recent two to three decades, the social landscape has transformed significantly due to increased reliance on digital communication, remote work, and assistive technologies that help in everyday…

  • Evaluation of a Proposed Leadership Development Intervention in Google

    The proposed training and development intervention for leadership development in Google is well thought through and provides interesting points. The overall structure of the post is logical and introduces the company under consideration, addresses the existing leadership training practices, and presents the suggested intervention with the timeline established. In particular, I find the inclusion of…

  • Google and Technology: Business Model Case Study

    Google has, for a long time, utilized its technology and search engine to stay ahead of its competitors. Google has proved its prowess in the internet technology by owning more than 50 data centers around the world, which indicates the vast amount of information it can handle. In addition, it operates its own servers, builds…

  • Functional Strategies for Google Inc.

    Every year the Fortune Magazine selects 100 best companies based on given competencies such as number of employees and company growth. Based on Fortune Magazine, top 5 companies to work for include Google, SAS, Edward Jones, Wegmans Food Markets, and Nugget Market (Goldman, 2020). I have chosen Google which has over the last decade experienced…

  • The European Commission and Google

    The lawsuit filed by the European Commission against Google has become one of the landmark legal battles for the right to privacy. Having drawn a legal line between the right for a company to promote its product and the right of individuals to retain their privacy, the specified case has set a crucial precedent (Amaro,…

  • Googles vs. Welocalizes Human Resource Planning

    HR planning is one of the key business processes aimed to hire and retain a skilled and talented workforce that would assist them in meeting various strategic goals. HR planning systems include a plethora of activities concerned with the evaluation of organizational workforce needs, development of projections for manpower development, implementation of strategies aimed to…

  • The Analysis of the Google Sustainability Campaign

    The Sustainability campaign was launched by Google in 2007 and targeted the improvement of the ecological situation on the planet. The campaign promotes carbon neutrality for businesses and states that Google wants to become carbon-free by 2030 (Google, n.d.). Being primarily a service provider, Google sets an example for other companies in creating environmentally-beneficial projects…