Category: Happiness

  • Relationship Between Morality and Happiness

    Table of Contents Introduction Impact of Morality on Happiness Objection Alternative Argument Conclusion Introduction The issue of happiness appears to be the central determinant of a persons life. The critical factor in establishing whether one had a good or bad life is whether this person was happy or not. Therefore, finding what one can do…

  • Examining the Happiness: Statistical Analysis

    Phase three of the lab project survey involved collecting and analyzing data from eighteen randomly chosen neighborhood members. The data collected was on happiness and the scale provided was between one low or no happiness and seven high levels of happiness. The survey was administered using a guided questionnaire where participants were allowed to choose…

  • Aspects of Pursuit of Happiness

    Table of Contents Introduction Implications of Materialism on Personal Well-Being Individual Criteria for Forming the Attitude to Possessions Arguments in Favor of the Possessions-Happiness Correlation Conclusion References Introduction The pursuit of happiness can be considered a natural aspect of human life because any effort applied both at work and in social interactions is inherently linked…

  • Happiness, Positive Psychology and Counselling

    Happiness is perceived differently by people. Its basis is not the same for all. There are also different factors that make people experience their own kind of happiness. The degree of happiness also differs given the same instance thus making happiness very subjective to the person who is given the stimulus. The persons response is…

  • Aspects of Pursuit of Happiness

    Table of Contents Introduction Implications of Materialism on Personal Well-Being Individual Criteria for Forming the Attitude to Possessions Arguments in Favor of the Possessions-Happiness Correlation Conclusion References Introduction The pursuit of happiness can be considered a natural aspect of human life because any effort applied both at work and in social interactions is inherently linked…

  • Happiness, Positive Psychology and Counselling

    Happiness is perceived differently by people. Its basis is not the same for all. There are also different factors that make people experience their own kind of happiness. The degree of happiness also differs given the same instance thus making happiness very subjective to the person who is given the stimulus. The persons response is…

  • Happiness Search: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

    Human life is inextricably linked with searching for answers to various questions. However, although for most people, the questions and quests they face in life are unique, one theme is common to all. It is the question of the meaning of life, which, sooner or later, every person considers. Almost every person wants to believe…

  • Gross National Happiness in Bhutan Article by Kelly

    There is no doubt that the level of happiness can be listed among the most important factors that are taken into consideration to estimate the prosperity in a certain country. As it is clear from the article written by Kelly (2012), the authorities in Bhutan take this principle into account and this is why they…

  • Aristotelian Perspective on Nozicks Happiness Argument

    Robert Nozick (1938-2002) refuted the Hedonistic idea that happiness is the only end that people pursue. Ethical Hedonism views individual welfare in terms of pleasure and pain. Hedonists claim that pleasure experiences are intrinsically good and experiences of pain are intrinsically bad (Dimmock and Fisher 11). Hedonists believe that what defines a successful life is…

  • Quicksand by Nella Larsen: The Theme of Happiness

    The theme of happiness is derived from the life of Helga Crane, a protagonist whose journey to seek happiness has been disrupted by racial discrimination. Helgas life is full of phenomenal shifts that leave her unhappy and disgruntled. Nonetheless, the novel conveys that one should act persistently and attempt to find solutions to problems rather…