Category: Health & Medicine 13691

  • The New Regulation Model for Advanced Practice Nurses

    Table of Contents Introduction Current Issues APN Regulations in Florida The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation The Benefits of Implementing the Model Conclusion References Introduction At present, local laws regarding advanced practice nurses (APNs) vary widely between different states and countries. As a consequence, specialists with the same degrees of knowledge, experience, and competence would…

  • Effectiveness of Remote Patient Monitoring

    In order to implement evidence-based practice in the modern health care setting, it is paramount to use evidence gathered by scholars and reported in articles published in peer-reviewed journals. The current paper criticizes one such article that was written by Ong et al. (2016). The article by Ong et al. (2016) reports a quantitative research…

  • Low Back Pain: Diagnostics and Treatment

    The additional history that should be obtained is whether this episode of pain is similar to the current episode and whether the patient sought medical attention that time; if yes, what diagnosis was made. Previous treatment (medications or other interventions), surgical history, any history of arthritis or osteoporosis, any past traumas, acute hospital admissions, cancer,…

  • National Certification Examination for Nurses

    Table of Contents Explanation of Costs and Eligibility Requirements Resources for Preparation State Requirements Resources Links to Professional Nursing Websites Conclusion References Passing an FNP national certification examination for nurse practitioners may be a difficult process. Most graduates have an option to take the examination at either the American Association of Nurse Practitioners or the…

  • Percentage of Medical Errors: Assessing and Minimizing

    Table of Contents Analysis of the Article Level and Quality of Evidence Applicability of the Study to My Practice References Analysis of the Article For this assessment, I have selected the publication What Patient Characteristics Guide Nurses Clinical Judgement on Pressure Ulcer Risk? A Mixed-Method Study by Balzer et al. (2014), and it focuses on…

  • Interviews With Advanced Nurse Practitioners

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction There are many ARNPs (advanced registered nurse practitioners) living in Miami-Dade County who submitted their research proposals to IRB (institutional review board) and were accepted by the commission. Jessica Maclntyre who occupies the position of director of clinical operations at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center is one of…

  • Floridas Medicaid Program History

    Table of Contents Rationale Adoption of the Reform Funding Structure Impacts References Rationale Floridas Medicaid reforms initiated in 2006 aimed at statewide coverage expansion of the managed care system. In 2005, former governor, Jeb Bush, signed into law a federal waiver proposal to move recipients from the fee-for-service model to managed care (Senior, 2016). The…

  • Data Collection Methodology: Information Relevance

    Introduction The analysis of the effectiveness of data collection methods used by authors for carrying out certain studies is an important procedure. It helps assess the relevance of the information obtained and their reliability. As the objects of such an analysis, two peer-reviewed articles are examined with different ways of evaluating data. The first paper…

  • Diarrhea: Differential Diagnosis and Ways of Treatment

    The correct diagnosing of a particular medical issue is a complex issue that demands the high level of competence from a therapist and utilization of appropriate questions to ensure that all essential elements are covered and considered while examining a patient. The first consultation with a health worker is critical for the whole treatment process…

  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Practice

    What is complementary / alternative medicine and how does it differ from the traditional western approach? Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a medical approach, which combines varied medical products, and health care systems to alleviate pain (National center for complementary and alternative medicine, 2008, par.2). Authentically, CAM intertwines the physical, social, and behavior of…