Category: Health & Medicine 13691

  • Care Standards Application: The Case of Administrative Responsibility and Negligence

    The nursing practice operates under specific guidelines and standards of care to ensure positive patient outcomes, safety, and quality care. At times, nurses and other healthcare providers may make errors in the process of executing their duties, and the affected patient can sue for negligence. In Florida, nurses operate under the Florida Practice Act and…

  • Inter-Professional Electronic Documents and eClinicalWorks

    Table of Contents Introduction EHR Examples Personal Experience Conclusion References Introduction The use of ICT has proved to be beneficial in the healthcare context as it diminished medical errors, ensures rapid exchange of information, enables healthcare professionals to make decisions more efficiently. Bowman (2013) stresses that Electronic Health Record systems (EHR) are crucial for the…

  • Advanced Practice Nurses Role Perspectives

    Table of Contents Standards of Care Responsibility Risk Management Steps Conclusion References Advanced practice nurses (APNs) are expected to act ethically and professionally whenever providing medical services to their patients. They should also apply the major standards of practice in their respective settings. The paper presented below discusses the issues surrounding a malpractice action filed…

  • The Qualified Nurses Shortage in the United States

    Population/Patient Problem The healthcare system of the United States experiences a shortage of qualified nurses. The situation will only worsen with time. By 2020, the countrys health care industry will lack about 1 million of the qualified nursing personnel (Krans, 2015). Intervention The situation requires immediate intervention as the shortage of qualified nursing personnel would…

  • Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk

    Table of Contents Type of Research Purpose and Problem Hypothesis and Research Questions Quality of Literature Review Framework Reference Type of Research Serpa, Santos, Peres, Cavicchioli, and Hermida are the authors of the article written in 2011 about the validity of the Braden and Waterlow subscales that are used to predict pressure ulcer risk among…

  • Medical Case Assessment: Treatment Guidelines

    Table of Contents Differential Diagnoses Physical Examination Findings Diagnostic Testing Treatment Guidelines References Differential Diagnoses Crohns disease exacerbation is a severe chronic inflammatory issue in the human gastrointestinal tract that can affect all its parts from ones anus to the oral cavity (Lemberg & Day, 2014). The examined woman said that she had been feeling…

  • Quality Improvement of Clinical Teams

    The success of continuous quality improvement (CQI) efforts depends to a large extent on the level of the efficiency of clinical teams. General CQI approaches are underpinned by a host of philosophies that are specific to their applications in practical terms (Sollecito & Johnson, 2013). However, despite the availability of CQI approaches such as Lean…

  • Nurse Practitioners Work Features

    Should an NP who is educationally prepared as an acute care NP work in an adult primary care setting? A nurse practitioner (NP) who is educationally prepared as an acute care NP should not work in an adult primary setting because of several reasons. All NPs have to be certified in a specific way. Klein…

  • Case of a Patient With Dyspnea and Other Symptoms

    Table of Contents What is the Chief Complaint? Treatment Plan Hypertension Therapy Lifestyle Modifications References What is the Chief Complaint? The patients chief complaint is shortness of breath. The patient also noted the presence of other symptoms, such as unproductive cough, fatigue, and obstruction of breathing at night. She denies other symptoms that can be…

  • Pain Management of Acute Patient

    Acute Patient Assessment Emergency Departments are dynamic healthcare settings in which time and effectiveness pose significant challenges to the delivery of the necessary level of care. Unlike other hospital wards, where nurses will have more opportunities to efficiently conduct patient assessments, acute settings require appropriate time management skills in addition to assessing and observing patients…