Category: Helping Others

  • Value of Volunteers and Their Help to the Needy’: Critical Essay

    Mexico City volunteers formed human chains and rescued people trapped in the remains of apartments that collapsed after a massive earthquake. Mexico Citys mayor, Miguel Angel Mancera, said about 40 buildings were destroyed by a magnitude 7.1 earthquake that struck the city in 2017. The earthquake caused at least 230 deaths. 100 of them died…

  • How Can We Really Help People Living in Poverty: Critical Essay

    After producing a diamond ranking of the six possible solutions to poverty it has been decided that helping others through organizations like Rosies and Vinnies, which help homeless and poor people, is the most helpful and affective action to be taken to fix poverty in our society. There are also many other solutions to poverty,…

  • What We Can Do to Help Others: Opinion Essay

    There are many poor people in the world. Although the number of poor people is decreasing, it is still one of the global problems. Poverty does not strike all demographics equally. For example, in 2018, 10.6% of men and 12.9% of women lived in poverty in the USA. Along the same lines, the poverty rate…

  • Essay on Helping Others

    The two careers I chose for my senior project are Registered Nurse and Mental Health, counselor. The pros of being an RN are a good salary and teamwork. The cons of being an RN are long work shifts, evaluating patient orders, and not always being able to give them the medications or requests that they…

  • How Did I Come to Help Others? Essay

    I still remember the day of this incident. I was thirteen years old then. It was pouring heavily, and I had to go to a nearby store to purchase medicines for my grandmother. As it was raining, I pulled on an overcoat and went out. When I reached the main road, the traffic was heavy,…

  • Helping Others in the Right Way

    We consider the word No predominantly as a symbol of self-respect and discipline, which is right. Most people think its a difficult word to vocalize but saying Yes is often harder than saying No because its a verbal devotion to be an active contributor. No easily transitions into a slippery slope of plans never fulfilled…

  • Personal Narrative Essay on Helping Hands

    Lending a helping hand is a gesture of kindness which people show towards needful. We all need help at some point in our life. People generally seek help when they are distressed, depressed, or in some trouble. I received help from my friends plenty of times and helped them too. When we help someone, it…

  • Essay on Why Should We Care about Homelessness

    The homeless population in Nashville is a predominant issue that is affecting the overall quality of life in the state of Tennessee. People experiencing homelessness are in danger because they do not have the proper shelter to live comfortably without the worry of theft, bad weather conditions, health problems, and the threat of being removed…

  • Reflections on Whether We Are Obligated to Help

    The question I have proposed in this essay is whether we are obligated to help random people if it is in our power to prevent something bad, and if we do not, in general, sacrifice ourselves or injure ourselves. In his essay Famine, Affluence, and Morality, Peter Singer states: If it is in our power…

  • Reflections on Helping Others and Its Importance

    Caring about other people and their feelings can turn out to be a really good situation or a bad situation. It can be a great situation because you can end up helping the person and making them feel better, but it can be a bad situation because you can end up getting in their business…