Category: High School

  • My Freshman Year of High School: Personal Narrative Essay

    If ever described my freshman year of high school, I would choose the word ‘growth’, both physical growth and academic growth as well as a building me as a different person from middle school. To be clear, my moving from middle school to high school wasnt the most exciting. I was used to getting As…

  • Essay Last Day of High School

    I took out my earphones, stepping into the school that was just like a second home to me. My then-happy spirits slowly emptied from me like a child after someone stole its candy. I watched as my fellow Year Sixes spread their arms out wide, letting anyone sign their Graduation jackets and t-shirts that wed…

  • The Importance Of Foreign Language In High School

    In Jenifer Lauren-Halls experiment on the effects on beginning to learn a foreign language earlier in life, the Japanese college students that began studying English as early as three years to twelve using only minimal effort did better on the tests than those who started later (Lauren-Hall). The study also found that the younger the…

  • Essay on First Day of High School

    The day started off like any other ordinary school day at Westfield High. The students were all split into their social groups just like any other high school; The plastic girls are sitting at their table, smothered in make-up, dressed up in inappropriate clothing, and trying to make themselves noticed, the Jocks are out on…

  • Essay: High School Is a Waste of Time

    The K-12 program Is new the basic education after they finish six years in primary school, four years in junior high school then another two years for senior high school in preparation for tertiary education in which they are free to choose a strand that is suitable for the course that they would take after…

  • Should Shakespeare Be Taught in High School Essay

    There is still reluctance among many secondary school students to accept Shakespeare as an author who speaks to them and their problems. This misguides them into thinking and focusing on the fact that Shakespeare’s language is too difficult. His work shows various ideologies and perspectives that surround a variety of societal and internal concepts. So…

  • Essay on How to Be Successful in High School

    Imagine having a solid belief in something and then having that whole point of view changed forever. What was once believed and deemed as right may not be what it seems. Someone can appear way different than they truly are. People who pertain to the theater are split between Sharpay deserving more than what she…

  • Community Service Reflection Essay

    I have been a volunteer at this community service, Pertiwi Soup Kitchen, which is giving food and drinks or providing health services to the homeless in two places. Before I went to the community service, I found information and know exactly what I will do in this place, such as bringing children to take their…

  • Why Phones Should be Allowed in School Essay

    Introduction Phones have become a big part of our life no matter who we are. They are part of our lifestyles from the moment we wake up to the moment we close our eyes. It is already a major gadget that if it is taken away will just cause a major shift in peoples lives.…

  • Law School Essay

    Lasting Problems with Law School Culture Introduction We as law students have recently entered into a lifelong journey in the legal profession. The journey began in our respective undergraduate programs where we considered our next path in life. With this, we did our very best to get high grades and studied tirelessly for the LSAT.…