Category: Hiring

  • Queer (LGBT) Hiring Policys Purpose and Authority

    Policy Title: LGBT Hiring Policy Purpose Organizational consulting specialists (policy-makers) try to implement a new hiring policy regarding the LGBT population in the administrative processes of company performance. Authority Social context is the profound element of social psychology structure predisposing individuals mind-shaping in a concrete social and working environments. LGBT communities are the current issue…

  • Queer (LGBT) Hiring Policys Purpose and Authority

    Policy Title: LGBT Hiring Policy Purpose Organizational consulting specialists (policy-makers) try to implement a new hiring policy regarding the LGBT population in the administrative processes of company performance. Authority Social context is the profound element of social psychology structure predisposing individuals mind-shaping in a concrete social and working environments. LGBT communities are the current issue…

  • Analysis of Trends and Their Implications for HR

    Abstract This paper looks at the demographics of the health care workforce. The trends in this field indicate that the health care workers who are aging are more than the younger ones. This trend seems to persist and in the next few years, the health care industry is going to be faced with labor shortages.…

  • Hiring and Keeping Quality Staff

    Nurses are a fundamental part of healthcare, and they comprise the largest percentage of health professionals. However, there is a significant shortage of nurses in the United States and other countries. According to Haddad et al. (2020), United States has approximately 3.9 nurses, and an additional 11 million nurses are needed to curb the deficiency.…

  • HR Metrics: Assessing the HR Performance Within the Health Care Institution

    Table of Contents Introduction Average Tenure Ethnically Diverse Headcount Percent Nurse Overtime Pay Percent Average Benefits per Employee Turnover Rate References Introduction The HR Metrics is a tool that enables assessing the performance of the Human Resources within the health care institution. It assists in measuring and analyzing the organizations productivity and efficiency by defining…

  • Staffing Problem Solution: HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics

    Table of Contents Introduction Opportunities Regarding How Metrics and Analysis Might Be Applied Three Analyses and Associated Metrics Benchmarking Developing a Program of HR Metrics Possible Problems with Establishing HR Metrics References Introduction HE metrics program and workforce analytics will play a significant role at Regional Hospital, especially when it comes to improving quality of…

  • Planning a Wedding: Hiring a Professional Manager

    Introduction Planning a wedding is a task that requires meticulousness and much attention to detail. Usually, the best way to organize a wedding is to hire a professional manager with the skills and connections needed for such a task. The managers responsibilities include developing the wedding plan with the clients, planning activities, assigning roles among…

  • Hiring a High Quality Educator

    Each person holds his own set of beliefs on how life is to be lived. Teachers derive their behaviors, attitudes and ethics from their own personal and professional philosophies on teaching. Gore (1997) analyzes how such a philosophy leads to ones development of a pedagogical approach. A school having its own philosophy should have their…

  • Social Media Used as a Way to Hire or Fire an Employee

    Social media has gained a hugely important role in nearly every possible facet of peoples lives, including employment and work. Thus, a new trend in HR has been created, suggesting that social media can be used to announce employment-related decisions, including hiring and firing ones (Albert, Da Silva, & Aggarwal, 2019). Despite the usefulness and…

  • Case Study Summary: Hiring a Sustainable Development Specialist

    As the director of the City of Springfields economic development division, hiring competent employees with the necessary skills and behaviors for a particular job is a serious matter. Managerial, political, legal, and ethical approaches must all be considered because research has shown that each has its own set of values that reinforce each other to…