Category: Hiring

  • HR Practices in the Nonprofit Sector

    Introduction Even though human resource management is a generally crucial practice that has to be maintained by all organizations, nonprofit establishments have to pay much closer attention to such internal operations. This happens because there is always an underlying good cause that has to be supported by all means to maintain an excessively positive reputation…

  • HR Plans and HRM Strategic Plans

    Table of Contents Introduction Order of Importance of the Areas of Focus in HRM Conclusion References Introduction Human Resource (HR) plans and Human Resource Management (HRM) strategic plans both serve important roles in a companys management, even though they are distinct approaches with different objectives. Consequently, in recent years, there has been an increase in…

  • Bibliography: Logistics, Retail and HR Management

    Wood, Geoffrey, et al. Special Issue on: International Human Resource Management in Contexts of High Uncertainties. International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), vol. 29, no. 7, 2018, pp. 13651373. Journal Article. The article examines issues in human resource management in difficult conditions. There is no doubt that high uncertainties may create a number of…

  • Human Resource Management: Hiring the Right Employee

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction Hiring the right employee is essential for any company to succeed and enhance its performance. In the given scenario, the general manager position at Midwestern Division would require developed leadership, communication, and organization skills. The individual selected for this job must be able to monitor and evaluate…

  • The Uber Employees Hiring and Training

    An innovative company by definition has a well-developed system of in-house training that enables the personnel to update their competence on a regular basis. The process of hiring needs a proper organization as well, so that talented and dedicated individuals find the workplace attractive. Uber, the worlds best-known electronic taxi service, is not an exception.…

  • Aspects of the Warts-And-All Hiring Strategy

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem Analysis Alternative Solutions Recommendation Implementation Conclusion References Introduction Recruitment agencies always delay to over-promote whenever it pertains to job specifications. People usually find it awkward to speak out about something, maybe because it is not polite or pleasant, and think of it as taboo. Employers find it a nightmare to…

  • Hiring and Recruitment Plan for XYZ Company

    Table of Contents Introduction The Plan and Activities for Recruitment Sorting the Applicants A Plan for the Interview Process Selection Conclusion References Introduction The operation manager is a fundamental part of the managerial team that supervises high-level duties such as talent attraction, the establishment of training standards, the production of goods, and providing services. According…

  • Hiring Algorithms from the Utilitarian Perspective

    Table of Contents Introduction The Utilitarian Value of Hiring Algorithms Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Personnel selection is a challenging task: the right employee can make it or break it for the company. Recruitment mistakes can cost a company thousands of dollars a year, and the effects of hiring the wrong person may prove to be…

  • Employee Hiring Process: Case Analysis

    Table of Contents Who and What to Consider Who Is Impacted Time to Fill Hiring Process HR Metrics References The process of hiring employees is extremely important for any company. It is the main component of measuring such indicators as a companys retention and employee turnover ratios and often determines the whole HR departments performance…

  • Connection of HRM and Legal Environment

    Table of Contents Introduction EEO Laws and Hiring Process Conclusion References Introduction HRM is highly affected by the legal environment in which it operates. HRM follows the rules and regulations of its organization. The most significant laws and regulations affecting HRM are those related to equal employment opportunity (EEO). Various laws were passed; however, only…