Category: Hispanics

  • Hispanic American Diversity: A Comparison of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Chileans

    Table of Contents Introduction Mexican-Americans Puerto Ricans Cubans Chileans Conclusions References Introduction Relations between ethnic groups are rather important in such a multicultural society as the USA. Hispanic people constitute the largest ethnic group in this society but within it there also are certain differences which this paper will focus on. This work will analyze…

  • That Is What They Call Us: Hispanic, Latinos and Latinx

    The article That is What They Call Us covers the ongoing debate surrounding the labels and classifications given to Spanish-speaking immigrants in the US. The author argues that the terms Hispanic, Latino, and Latinx are confusing and carry different cultural, political, and historical connotations that are not necessarily reflective of the diverse experiences and identities…

  • Hispanic Communities Effects on Policing Plans

    Table of Contents Introduction The Nature of Community Policing Community characteristics and Communication The Element of Trust and Community Behaviors Elements of Commitment and Unity in Community Policing Hypothesis Conclusion References Introduction While dealing with the increasing crime within the cities and societies, police use community policing as a police administrative strategy or a police…

  • The Problem of Hispanic Interracial Crimes

    An interracial crime refers to an offense where the perpetrator and the victim are the same race. Conversely, an interracial crime involves an offender and victim of different races. For violent victimizations, interracial crime is more prevalent than interracial crime. Examples of crimes included under violent victimizations are robbery, rape, homicide, and aggravate assault. For…

  • The History of Florida and Hispanics in It

    The ancestors of Hispanic Americans were present in the country of the United States before it was a nation-state. That heritage broadens from the 16th century in parts of present-day New Mexico and Florida and from the 17th and 18th centuries in parts of Arizona, Texas, and California. However, we read in our admired media…

  • Latinos and Hispanics: History of Migration to North America

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Throughout history, people have migrated from one place to another in search of a place to prosper. Even in modem times, the global forces of migration, poverty, increase in population, and other such phenomena continue to impact and influence the shaping of that international community. People…

  • The Problem of Hispanic Interracial Crimes

    An interracial crime refers to an offense where the perpetrator and the victim are the same race. Conversely, an interracial crime involves an offender and victim of different races. For violent victimizations, interracial crime is more prevalent than interracial crime. Examples of crimes included under violent victimizations are robbery, rape, homicide, and aggravate assault. For…

  • The History of Florida and Hispanics in It

    The ancestors of Hispanic Americans were present in the country of the United States before it was a nation-state. That heritage broadens from the 16th century in parts of present-day New Mexico and Florida and from the 17th and 18th centuries in parts of Arizona, Texas, and California. However, we read in our admired media…

  • Latinos and Hispanics: History of Migration to North America

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Throughout history, people have migrated from one place to another in search of a place to prosper. Even in modem times, the global forces of migration, poverty, increase in population, and other such phenomena continue to impact and influence the shaping of that international community. People…

  • Hispanic as a Vulnerable Population in the US

    Introduction Vulnerable populations encompass racial and ethnic minorities, economically disadvantaged, homeless, the elderly, those with HIV, as well as those with other chronic health conditions such as severe mental illnesses (Vulnerable populations, 2006). In addition, individuals in remote areas who encounter barriers while accessing healthcare services are part of vulnerable populations. Mainly, aspects such as…