Category: Hobby

  • How I Became Literate in Playing the Piano

    As a young child I remember being passionate about playing the piano and music. But of course like every other person one must learn how to play and understand music itself. I have not learned how to read sheet music quite well, and is something that I lack in. I spent most of my time…

  • Narrative Essay on How Sports Have Shaped My Personality

    My own life has been one of unique experiences, challenges, and development. Throughout my childhood, I have learned the importance of strong relationships and gained knowledge, and wisdom from my elders, parents, and peers. I have done this through my experiences playing high school sports and the challenges that I have faced doing these activities.…

  • Essay on My Fascination with the Piano

    The captivating sounds that can be made by eighty-eight black and white keys were what started my love for playing the piano. Whether it be Chopins rubato or Schuberts modulations, my fascination with the instrument has never gone away. It all started with my mother and my first-grade music teacher, Mr. Manges. My mom grew…

  • The Best Gift I Have Ever Received

    The last note resonated across the hall as I closed my eyes and lifted my hands in the air. The concert hall erupted with cheers and applause, and waves of emotions came rushing to me: excitement, joy, pride. The entire audience had their attention on me, and I began to tear up as I took…

  • Essay on the Magic of the Piano

    My fingers were flowing freely over the smooth keys – 52 white, 36 black – as if they were masterminds and my fingers were puppets floating freely above each key. My eyes were fixated on the black and white pages before me. I was tired but unable to stop. It was like a spell was…

  • Martial Arts for Self-defence: Informative Essay

    Self-defense is the ability to defend yourself when in danger. In the unpredictable world in which we live, a person can find himself in situations where he must defend himself. Self-defense is nothing more than a collection of physical techniques used to protect yourself from an attack. To protect oneself from being harmed, injured, or…

  • Compare And Contrast Of Two Different Hobbies

    A hobby is an activity that we are interested to do during our free time. This is also part of the everyday life of any person. A hobby is not a kind of occupation, but it is an activity that all of us are doing also for our pleasure. This is not an occupation because…

  • Painting Vs Gardening As My Favorite Hobbies

    In this world, all people have their hobbies or doing something during their past time. We all have the time of frustrations, stress, or pressure that we tend to eliminate by doing our hobbies. A hobby will always be part of our everyday life because it gives us pleasure and fun when we get bored…

  • Watching a Movie at Home Vs a Movie Theatre: Compare and Contrast Essay

    Are you planning to watch a movie this weekend? When I think of watching a movie, the first thing that comes to my mind is whether to go to a movie theater or watch it online at home. There is no doubt that watching movies in a cinema has its charm. The big screen, enthusiastic…

  • Essay on Music

    Music has existed since the primitive years. It has various rhythms and tones that can be found across the world. Music is a universal language that every person from different cultures and races can relate to. It has served many purposes, ranging from entertainment, religion, and self-meditation. Recently, research has been conducted at McGill University…