Category: Homosexuality

  • Speech about LGBT Community

    Imagine if you were restricted by vendors because of who youre married to. Now imagine if someone fired you from your job because of the person you were dating. These are real-life scenarios that people in the LGBT community endure each and every day. To clarify, LGBT is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and…

  • Becoming Proud of My LGBT Identity Essay

    Human rights can commonly be accessed through everyday life. The majority of the population receives these rights at birth, for just being human. However, there are specific groups in todays society that struggle to access these rights. This can be said about the LGBT community, who have been fighting for basic human rights for decades…

  • LGBT Community Research Paper

    Abstract The older LGBT community is an extremely resilient group that faces additional unique intersectional stressors as they anticipate expected mental and physical health decline. Despite the advances (i.e., marriage equality) made worldwide towards positively evaluating the LGBT community as a whole, there is still a great need in educating service providers, the general public,…

  • LGBT Discrimination in Schools Research Paper

    Today more and more LGBT people are coming out at a younger age and are living openly with the support of their family, friends, school, community, workplace, and neighborhoods. Despite these progressive leaps life can still be quite difficult for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, including young LGBT people who are not out…

  • LGBT Equality Speech

    The freedom of faith, yet as non-discrimination, may be a vital offering, and it’s vital that governments don’t unnecessarily burden the exercise of non secular conscience. this can be particularly vital to minority spiritual teams, whose practices are only too simply trodden on by-laws and policies enacted by majorities. however once exemptions to laws to…

  • LGBT Reaction Paper

    Before starting to discuss the problems faced by the LGBTQ community, it is essential to first understand its background. If we look at the chain, we find the term homosexual as the pioneer, but it was soon replaced with the word gay in the 1950s because homosexual  was believed to have negative connotations. By…

  • LGBT Rights Persuasive Speech

    Love is something I wish was a piece of cake but sadly it isnt. It is very complicated and it has a lot of versions of it, each one of them beautiful in their way. However, there will always be people who will never find these different versions beautiful and try to change and twist…

  • LGBT Situation in Countries: Research Paper

    The term LGBT was first introduced in the 1990s meaning those people who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. It replaced the earlier used term LGB that was first used in the early 1980s (Wikipedia. 2018. LGBT.) It is commonly estimated that 1 in 5 people of the worlds population identifies themselves as…

  • Homosexuality: Innate Or Learned Behavior?

    ‘I grew up with a lot of females and rarely had male friends, at about the age of twelve I began to notice boys or should I say, it was then that I began to notice little else… is after all only natural,’. There are many stories just like this one that comes from homosexuals,…

  • Critical Analysis of Holding the Man: An Honest Depiction of Homosexuality

    Director Neil Armfield’s decision to create an on-screen adaptation of Tim Conigraves memoir Holding the Man (2015) confronted him with the difficult challenge of realistically representing homosexuality on screen; a notion that Australian filmmakers have often failed to achieve. While Australian cinema has welcomed an array of gay films, many have struggled to present gay…