Category: Hope

  • Theology of Hope: Moltmann and Pannenberg



    Table of Contents Introduction Pannenbergs Theology of Hope Moltmanns Theology of Hope Conclusion References Introduction Theology of hope is believed to must have been conceived in the 1960s, with its roots grounded in the 20th existentialism philosophy. Albert Schweitzer was one of the exponents of the theology of hope. In his eschatological teachings, Schweitzer dwelt…

  • The Poems Blessed Hope by Harper and Unexpressed by Dunbar



    Blessed Hope by Frances E.W. Harper Oh! crush it not, that hope so blest, Which cheers the fainting heart, And points it to the coming rest, Where sorrow has no part. Tear from my heart each worldly prop, Unbind each earthly string, But to this blest and glorious hope, Oh! let my spirit cling. It…

  • Flannery OConnor Was an Epistle of Hope



    Hope is an ambiguous feeling to describe. It is the shining candle in the gloom and the final sprite released from Pandoras Box to mitigate the swarm of gloom that Pandora inadvertently released. When Flannery OConnor makes this statement, she speaks with a conviction of a person who knows the psyche of an essential novelist.…

  • Visual Imagery for Spiritual Meaning in Dickinsons Hope Is a Thing With Feathers



    Reliance on clear language and direct visual images separated the works of the Imagists and Emily Dickinson from the late Victorian poetry. Instead of the elaborate verse where images served as decorations illustrating the texts main idea, the exacting visual image articulated with painstaking clarity became the poems essence  the idea itself. At the…

  • Flannery OConnor Was an Epistle of Hope



    Hope is an ambiguous feeling to describe. It is the shining candle in the gloom and the final sprite released from Pandoras Box to mitigate the swarm of gloom that Pandora inadvertently released. When Flannery OConnor makes this statement, she speaks with a conviction of a person who knows the psyche of an essential novelist.…

  • Gratitude, Hope, and Forgiveness: The Wisdom of the Communities of Color



    Salsa, Soul, and Spirit: Leadership for a multicultural age by Juana Bordas is a vigorous contribution to building a new progressive leadership model based on the principles, which have been generated by the communities of color and have been sustaining them while overcoming pressure and numerous adversities. The author represents a principle of Gratitude, Hope,…

  • Review of Hope Works: Moving From Darkness Into Your Dreams



    Relationships with family members play one of the essential roles in the life of any person. Children take an example from their parents and try to be like them. In addition, parents ensure the safety of the child, which no one else can provide. When relationships change in the family and problems arise, the childs…

  • The Significance Of Patience, Humility And Hope In Christianity



    Being Christian today requires individuals to be counter-cultural and go against society to follow the path of Jesus and God. Continuing along the path of Christianity can be difficult as many challenges and opportunities to sway from the path of God can come up during your life. Pope Francis said ‘I ask you, instead, to…

  • Hope: Definition, Factors And Models



    DEFINITION Hope is successful sense of planning to meet ones goal, it is positive motivational state. (Synder, Irving, & Anderson) EXPLANATION Positive emotions are basis of positive impact on our goals and our direction for achieving those goals. Hope creates eager and drive to achieve success. Even in dark shaded times hope is like a…

  • Theme Of Hope In The Novel Of Mice And Men



    Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men takes place during the Great Depression in America which has an effect on the characters lifestyle and dreams. Steinbeck portrays the hopes of many people during these times through different characters: for example, the typical American dream which is shown through the two main characters, George and Lennie. Steinbeck…