Category: Hospital

  • A Report on the Cyber Attack at Czech Hospital

    One of the major COVID-19 testing laboratories in the Czech Republic has recently faced an obscure cyberattack in March 2020. The representative of the Brno University Hospital, Pavel Zara, claimed that the situation is still in progress and there is no detailed information available on the incident. A cyberattack hit the hospital in the course…

  • How Provided Data Security at St. Johns Hospital

    Table of Contents Introduction Management plan Training of the staff Implementation Code of Conduct Current Issues and Solutions References Introduction Healthcare and information systems are two different industries altogether. But with the introduction of new era of information technology, it becomes basic necessity of each and every industry. In last few years, information technology brings…

  • Evaluation Research: Hospital Administration

    Evaluation research provides a pathway of supplying dependable proofs of a variety of social programs, especially in clinical practices. This research uses a variety of research techniques discussed in the previous chapters in order to come up with comprehensive results. For instance, evaluation research can be used by a hospital administration to assess the impact…

  • Behavioral Administrator in a Public Psychiatric Hospital

    Table of Contents Introduction The Organization The Job The Staff Research Conclusion Reference List Introduction Human behavior has been the focus of many studies in the recent past. Researchers have formulated theories in an attempt to explain the same issue. Careers that are dedicated to human behavior have found their place in the management of…

  • Public Hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia Case

    Table of Contents Introduction The Public Hospital in focus Methods of treatment Conclusion Works cited Introduction The history of the 18-th century America is full of grand events, people, and masterpieces. This time is known for the proclamation of Independence from Great Britain and adoption of The Constitution. The time of Enlightenment and progress in…

  • Multimorbidity at Hospital Discharge Transition

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Method, the Problem, and Purpose of the Research Research Questions, Methods of Data Analysis Used Methods Appropriateness to the Design and Research Questions Results and Their Interpretation Reference Introduction The article under analysis is written by Doos et al. (2014) and entitled Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Multimorbidity…

  • Hospital-Acquired Infections Management Practices

    Practitioners integrate patient values and new ideas in nursing to support the health needs of more patients. These practices will result in evidence-based practice (EBP). The problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) continues to affect many patients and health facilities. This paper explains how a HAI management practices can be embraced using the ACE star model…

  • John Hopkins Hospitals Systems and Structures

    Analysis of Systems and Structures of the Johns Hopkins Hospital In this part of the study, the reporting structure of John Hopkins Hospital is analyzed. A Board of Governors oversees the organizations activities. It has authority over the hospitals administration, which is the second-tier of management. Within this structure, the hospitals administration holds formal authority,…

  • Hospital-Acquired Conditions and Regulatory Environment

    Table of Contents Assessment of Compliance Tools and Best Practices Recommendations Conclusion References Appendix One major issue that affects healthcare providers, insurers, regulators, and patients is illnesses that patients acquire while being in a healthcare facility. In many cases, those are preventable. However, costs associated with treating those as well as legal and ethical implications…

  • Low Staffing of Nurses in the Hospital Setting

    Table of Contents Introduction Moral Distress Burnout and Engagement Levels Patient Safety Issues Children Care Nurse-Sensitive Outcomes Financial Performance Conclusion References Introduction The lack of qualified staff in the environment of contemporary healthcare clearly is a reason for concern (Karanikola et al., 2013). Making the managers of healthcare facilities assign the available staff with an…