Category: Human Behavior

  • Human Behavior: Netsilik Eskimo and Igbo Tribe

    Table of Contents Introduction Similarities Differences Conclusions Works Cited Introduction The human civilization, despite its being a single form of the organization of social life, is rather diverse. The major differences between peoples inhabiting the Earth are based on their genetic and ethnic peculiarities, cultural traditions, and customs as well as on the geographical regions…

  • Social Perspective on Human Behavior at Work

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference List Introduction Human behavior at work is an extremely vital issue to discuss. The matter is that the employees behavior has a direct influence on the organizational performance (Hoogervorst, Fier, & Koopman, 2004). This being the reason, the organizations subject their personnel to changes to improve the efficiency…

  • Human Behavior: Netsilik Eskimo and Igbo Tribe

    Table of Contents Introduction Similarities Differences Conclusions Works Cited Introduction The human civilization, despite its being a single form of the organization of social life, is rather diverse. The major differences between peoples inhabiting the Earth are based on their genetic and ethnic peculiarities, cultural traditions, and customs as well as on the geographical regions…

  • Human Behavior and Social Environment Relationship

    The relationship between human behavior and the social environment (HBSE) is usually complex. Social workers should be able to apply various theories and knowledge and use conceptual frameworks and models. The HBSE idea is that peoples actions are more predetermined and defined by external factors than internal changes, and attention to outside sources must be…

  • Human Behavior and Social Work Theoretical Analysis: Adolescent Aggression

    Introduction This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical approaches to the problem of violence and deviant behavior overall among young people. As will be demonstrated later, this problem appears to be widespread not only in the United States but all over the world, especially in developing countries. The current social tensions…

  • Motivations of Human Behavior

    Human behavior is a rather interesting area of study as far as human beings try to study themselves and it is always a complicated task. The motivations that drive people to acting in a certain way have always interested scholars and ordinary people in the light of the fact that understanding of the behavioral motives…

  • Merits and Rewards as Motives of Human Behavior

    Lous Pojman described merit as any positive quality which forms the basis for allocating positive ascription such as rewards and praise. This means that good deeds deserve positive recognition while on the other hand; a demerit being a characteristic that brings about negative ascription deserves punishments and penalties. However it should be noted that merits…

  • How the Main Theoretical Perspectives in Psychology Explain Human Behavior

    Introduction So far, there are several main theoretical perspectives that dominate in the field of psychology and that are being studied by scholars. In various ways, they all explain human behavior in particular conditions and situations, although this same behavior may be interpreted differently in these theories. The assignment aims at examining psychological views on…

  • Basic Emotions and Their Influence on Human Behavior

    Table of Contents Introduction Happiness and Sadness Fear Disgust Anger Surprise Personal Experience Conclusion References Introduction Behavior in a certain situation depends on the emotions experienced by a person at a particular moment. The spectrum of human emotions is vast; however, they can be classified in a simplified way. Psychologist Paul Ekman identified six basic…

  • Using Cognitive Theory in Human Behavior

    Introduction Cognitive theory is usually a learning theory that tries to explain the human behaviour based n their thought processes. The logic in human helps them to make decisions and choices that are more sensible to their lives. The individual thoughts are the paramount determinant of the emotions and behaviours of human beings. The cognitive…