Category: Human Development

  • Pregnancy, Human Development and Heredity

    Table of Contents Ovarian Cycle Uterine Cycle Implantation Dilation Stage Expulsion stage Reflection References Pregnancy can be defined with respect to time and as a condition. With respect to time, it is the period from conception to childbirth (Hale, Saunders & Margham, 2005). It is vital to understand the physiological concepts that revolve around pregnancy…

  • Human Growth and Development Essay

    Humans go through the different steps throughout their life; they will change and develop. These development changes can be organized into 4 sections: physical, intellectual, emotional and social. Throughout my work I will be showing the differences between each life stage. Infant 0-2 Months They wouldn’t be able to lift their own head. They can…

  • Human Development from a Biological, Cognitive and Psychosocial Perspective

    Actual chronological age is only a relative indicator of the developmental stage of someones physical, cognitive and psychosocial. However, as unique as everyone is, some typical trends in development have been identified throughout the life cycle as milestones of normal progression. It is imperative to examine the developmental phases when dealing with the teaching and…

  • The Importance of Human Development

    People experience plenty of changes over the period of their lives. So, what is the meaning of human development? The definition of human development is the process of expansion of humans potential, an increase of choices and opportunities and fulfillment of human rights. Human development also describes as the growth of humans throughout their lifespan,…

  • Explanation of Human Development Using the Theory of Evolution

    The theory of evolution can explain human development when examining biological adaptations. To begin, one adaptation that supports human development with regards to evolution is sweat glands. Sweating is a cooling mechanism that ultimately keeps the bodys internal temperature stable. The human skin is naked, has no coat of fur and is sweaty which helps…

  • Process of Human Development

    Have you ever brought a new puppy home and then watched it grow up? You may have noticed it transform from a cute and shy puppy, to a troublemaker, then to a lifelong companion until death. That is the beautiful cycle of life development. Just like dogs, humans go through different developmental stages in their…

  • Life-Span Perspective of Human Development: Essay

    The study of how people change and develop can be defined as human development. Many researchers explain that human development has a strong theoretical foundation and research background. In my opinion, one theory cannot fully explain the development of an adult, so we need to look at it from the life-span perspective. According to Kail…