Category: Hurricane

  • Early PTSD Interventions in the Event of a Hurricane

    How to Begin the Process of Debriefing for Survivors Debriefing is a kind of psychological treatment offered to survivors of natural disasters in order to reduce their psychological morbidity that may appear as a natural reaction to the trauma. It is usually rendered within 10 days after the crises occur and are meant to mitigate…

  • PTSD-Related Intervention in the Hurricane Context

    Hurricanes are some of the most destructive natural disasters in history. An example of this type of disaster is Hurricane Sandy. This disaster occurred during the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season and it is the second most expensive hurricane disaster in the history of United States. The damages associated with Hurricane Sandy included $75 billion in…

  • History: Hurricanes and British Sugar and Rice Markets

    Table of Contents The topic of the Article The Authors Main Point Examples the Author Used to Support His Main Point The Types of Evidence Used by the Author What I Found Most Interesting Work Cited The topic of the Article The Caribbean and South Atlantic regions tend to experience storms and hurricanes as seasonal…

  • History: Hurricanes and British Sugar and Rice Markets

    Table of Contents The topic of the Article The Authors Main Point Examples the Author Used to Support His Main Point The Types of Evidence Used by the Author What I Found Most Interesting Work Cited The topic of the Article The Caribbean and South Atlantic regions tend to experience storms and hurricanes as seasonal…

  • Hurricanes and National Incident Management Processes

    A hurricane is a natural occurrence that results from a tropical wave and then gradually becomes an intense storm. A hurricane can destroy any building structure with a weak foundation. Without a fast response team, many people might lose their lives when they are carried away by water. In most cases, it is not easy…

  • Short Term Effects of Hurricanes

    Introduction A hurricanes ability to cause immense damage to everything it comes across leaves people all over the world in awe, even those who do not expect to have to go through the effects of such a storm ever in their lives. Reports of Hurricane Katrina and the devastation it caused in New Orleans, the…

  • Hurricane Harvey Essay

    Introduction Natural disasters are very critical events that affect peoples lives adversely because of the devastations they cause. Such things as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods can result in property damage and also kill people. Realizing how crucial the effects of natural disasters are, governments develop specific emergency management plans that reveal how professionals should act…

  • Essay About Sandy Hurricane

    Introduction A natural disaster is defined by the UN as: the consequences of events triggered by natural hazards that overwhelm local response capacity and seriously affect the social and economic development of a region (Elizabeth F,2006). Natural disasters, for example, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and windstorms, affect many people in the world yearly. It is…

  • Hurricane Katrina: Hazards Management

    Introduction The events of Hurricane Katrina that hit the Gulf Coast in August of 2005 are best described as the most devastating. Lives were lost, homes were destroyed and property worth millions ruined in this natural catastrophe which is described as the worst ever in Americas history. The few who were lucky to survive lost…

  • Hurricane Marine Essay

    Hurricane Maria is regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide of 2017, Maria was the th named storm eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive…