Category: Illegal Immigration

  • Argumentative Essay About Immigration

    Historical Context of Immigration in America Imagine being a guest at someones house. How would you feel if you were asked to leave by another guest? Chances are you would probably think the other guest had no authority to ask you to leave, especially considering they are only guests themselves. The country now referred to…

  • Political Issue: Illegal Immigration In America

    When asked what I considered the most critical political issue in America, immediately I thought: immigration, specifically illegal immigration. Its been a hot topic for a while, but more so recently because President Trump has been pushing for immigration reform, deportation, and the building of a wall that will divide the border between the United…

  • How Can Migration Become a National Security Problem?

    Migration is when people move from one place to another to work or live. International migration involves moving from one’s country to another. The world of today many people migrate due to different reasons: some migrate seeking better opportunities and education, while others flee their countries because of the crisis imposed by disasters or poverty.…

  • Argumentative Essay on Illegal Immigration

    Did you know that the number of immigrants in the United States exceeded forty-three million in 2016? This is 13.5 percent of the population in America (Amadeo). Of the forty-three million, around eleven million immigrants are undocumented, which means they are immigrants who entered the country while violating government immigration laws. Does it seem plausible…

  • Critical Essay on Illegal Immigrants and Stereotypes about Them

    Illegal immigration has been an issue that the United State has been dealing since the early 1800s. In recent years, there has been a surge in the amount of attention that illegal immigration is receiving in the media. This attention is mainly because of the massive increase of Hispanic immigrants crossing the border illegally and…

  • Should Illegal Immigrants Be Deported: Persuasive Essay

    Deportation is a word that most think of Mexicans when they hear it, but deportation includes Asians, Africans, and many more. Deportation is a huge problem in the United States. During Obamas run as president, over five million people were deported. Now President Trump is trying to deport all immigrants. Even if his numbers are…

  • Immigration Issue in Texas: Essay

    The way in which the population of Texas is changing is by increasing and is likely to become a predominantly Hispanic state, as it once was. This is because Anglo-Texans became few in number in the 21st century, and the ‘Baby Boom’, depicted mostly by Caucasians, is nearing its end. The Hispanic population is younger…

  • Major Issue Of Social Inequality: Illegal Immigrants On American Lands

    Is it a wise idea to remove all illegal immigrants from our country? How would you feel if you were a child who is sent to a new country that you barely know of? When we, as the United States, think about illegal Immigrants, we think about the words undocumented, unauthorized, And foreigners. According to…

  • Persuasive Essay about Illegal Immigration

    With DACA on the Trump Administrations chopping block, the need for a permanent law to protect Dreamers is at an all-time high. The Dream and Promise Act of 2019 is the Democratic answer to this issue. While the bill has successfully passed the House it soon will face a Republican-controlled Senate where, to make the…

  • Illegal Immigration: Problem Solution Essay

    Everyone has seen the problems that are going on at the border at present. Children are being taken from their families without any warning. In the morning their parents drop them off at school and by the time they go home, their parents are nowhere to be found. Illegal immigration is a major issue at…