Category: Illness

  • Stigma About Mental Illness Among Communities of People of Color

    Table of Contents Introduction Findings Conclusions References Introduction This literature review examines various issues related to misconceptions and stigma about mental illness among communities of people of color. These include the actual rates of mental illness among ethnic and racial minorities, health disparities and their specific types, prejudices, and stigma of people of color in…

  • Stigmas of Mental Illness and People of Color

    Abstract This study explores the factors that contribute to particular misconceptions and stigmas related to mental illnesses and their treatment that are common in communities of people of color. People of color who have mental illness may conceal it and avoid proper treatment due to fear of others negative attitudes. Therefore, the studys main objective…

  • Mental Illness Stigmatization in Media and Literature

    The problem of labeling persons with mental illnesses is actively discussed by psychologists, sociologists, and other researchers in the context of making stigmas which affect these individuals interactions. Therefore, the question to discuss in detail is how the stigma of a mental illness or labeling associated with the misinterpretation of mental conditions can cause persons…

  • Abnormality and Mental Illness in Social Psychology

    Describe and evaluate the definition of abnormality The first explanation of abnormality is nonconformity to social standards. The main problem with this definition is that social norms change quickly. A situation that is not socially acceptable now may change and become acceptable in the future. For example, an individual may be considered insane judging on…

  • What Is Mental Illness?

    Introduction This medical condition may disrupt a persons mood, a persons feelings, and thinking capacity. It is usually manifested in situations in which the patients mood may suddenly become aggressive resulting in violence. Just as a stomachache is a problem of the stomach, mental illness is a disorder of the brain, which may cause problems…

  • Understanding Mental Illness: Aspects of Schizophrenia

    The diagnosis of schizophrenia most often harms the family members of the patient. This occurs due to a variety of factors, ranging from emotional costs to stigma and misunderstanding of the condition. The disease is inherently complex, frightening, and may have profound consequences on the patient which lead to emotional stress from loved ones. Families…

  • Religion and Beliefs Regarding Illness

    Table of Contents Introduction Buddhism Sikhism Baháí religion Comparison with Christianity Patients feeling Conclusion References Introduction The world has a diversity of religions with each having its own beliefs regarding illness. Healthcare professionals are obliged to consider religious beliefs when taking care of patients coming from different backgrounds. Religion plays a major role in healthcare…

  • Return to Work After Mental Illness: Intervention Strategies

    Introduction Though illness makes the employees discomfort at the work and may stop them to work for quite a some time, most of the times, employees return to work after a short while with recovery. Recovery from physical or mental illness takes time allowing the employee taking time to resume to work activities with the…

  • Abnormality and Mental Illness in Social Psychology

    Describe and evaluate the definition of abnormality The first explanation of abnormality is nonconformity to social standards. The main problem with this definition is that social norms change quickly. A situation that is not socially acceptable now may change and become acceptable in the future. For example, an individual may be considered insane judging on…

  • What Is Mental Illness?

    Introduction This medical condition may disrupt a persons mood, a persons feelings, and thinking capacity. It is usually manifested in situations in which the patients mood may suddenly become aggressive resulting in violence. Just as a stomachache is a problem of the stomach, mental illness is a disorder of the brain, which may cause problems…