Category: India

  • Obesity Situation in Punjab and How it would be Removed

    Punjab is one of the northern states of India. The culture, heritage, cuisine, and history of Punjab are unexplainable. Punjab is almost a Sikhism state and people from Punjab are called Punjabi. Maybe you’ve never known about this little State in North-West India, yet you probably tasted or knew about one of its culinary claims…

  • British Rule in India and Its Economic Impact: Essay

    British rule was more pragmatic compared to other colonial powers. Their motivation is economic, not evangelic. I choose this colonizing country and its occupied territory because their original purpose was to achieve a monopolistic trading position in the world. Then, later they felt a regime of free trade if they made India a major market…

  • Mahatma Gandhi: The Primary Leader Of Independence Movement In India

    If I could invite any historical figure to come and have dinner with me, my choice would be to invite the great Mahatma Gandhi. He was the reason a whole nation stood up against a fierce ruler with an iron fist, and dared to fight back, and reclaim what was truly theirs. A nation that…

  • Essay on Homespun Movement and Gandhi’s Role

    Research investigation Hypothesis- Indias persistent motivation to gain independence from Britain and the innovative events that took place, reflect the resilience of Gandhi as a leader, despite the controversial topic of whether his leadership was a successful or dismal failure. Sources- Source 1- Gandhis letter to Lord Irwin Source 2- David Lows cartoon, Goosey, Goosey,…

  • Gandhis Philosophy of Education: Analytical Essay

    Abstract Gandhijis philosophy of education was not the upshot of any study of modern or ancient educational movements in India or elsewhere. This educational theory is original, new and epoch making. It evolved out of his wide and long experiences of the political, social and economic life of his country. In Gandhian scheme of education,…

  • Essay on Child Malnutrition in India as a Still Current Problem

    India, the emerging economic super power, is not immune to the plague of hunger and malnutrition. Its economic progress is not an indicator of its social progress. According to the Global Hunger Index Report 2018, India is ranked 103rd out of 119 countries (IFPRI) and continues to be in a position of unnerving hunger. With…

  • Obesity Situation in Punjab and How it would be Removed

    Punjab is one of the northern states of India. The culture, heritage, cuisine, and history of Punjab are unexplainable. Punjab is almost a Sikhism state and people from Punjab are called Punjabi. Maybe you’ve never known about this little State in North-West India, yet you probably tasted or knew about one of its culinary claims…

  • Risks of Obesity: Analysis of Different Scenarios

    Introduction · Global Scenario of Obesity Malnutrition targets the human being in three forms, undernutrition, micronutrient deficiency, and overnutrition. Overnutrition is also called obesity which is characterized as dietary intake which exceeds the daily requirements of the body (Hannah Ritchie, 2019). In 1993, World Health Organisation (WHO) undertook a broad review and interpretation of anthropometric…

  • British Rule in India and Its Economic Impact: Essay

    British rule was more pragmatic compared to other colonial powers. Their motivation is economic, not evangelic. I choose this colonizing country and its occupied territory because their original purpose was to achieve a monopolistic trading position in the world. Then, later they felt a regime of free trade if they made India a major market…

  • Essay on Homespun Movement and Gandhi’s Role

    Research investigation Hypothesis- Indias persistent motivation to gain independence from Britain and the innovative events that took place, reflect the resilience of Gandhi as a leader, despite the controversial topic of whether his leadership was a successful or dismal failure. Sources- Source 1- Gandhis letter to Lord Irwin Source 2- David Lows cartoon, Goosey, Goosey,…