Category: India

  • Organizational Behavior and Prevalence of Obesity among Employees in India

    Worldwide, at least 2.8 million people die every year because of being overweight or obese. 13% of the worlds adult population (11% of men and 15% of women) were obese in 2014. Lancet findings also say, India is just behind US and China in this global hazard list of top 10 countries with highest number…

  • Essay on History of Social Psychology

    Introduction Social Psychology is the scientific study of understanding peoples thoughts, feelings and behaviours in a social setting. The root of social psychology can be traced back to time when human beings started interacting with other .In a society, ones behaviour and thoughts can be influenced by others functioning in it. The aim of social…

  • Positive Interconnection between International Trade and International Relations: Example of India and Pakistan

    Does trade reduce conflict, or conflict reduce trade, or both, and why? It is an open secret that in the 21st century sometimes impossible to avoid war. Where every country is against the war, violence and vehemence, trade comes for help. In international relations, it is worth to mention to establish peace everywhere, because of…

  • Essay on the Power Crisis in India and Renewable Energy as a Solution

    Energy is a prime requirement of our day-to-day life functioning and thus in general words energy is defined as the ability to do work. In the present world, energy plays a very important role in day-to-day life. In ancient times, wood and fossil fuels were often used as sources of energy. The amount of energy…

  • Marital Rape in India and Why It Should Be Criminalized: An Essay

    Rape is a heinous act of sexual intercourse committed against any natural person forcefully without the consent of such person against whom it is committed. Rape has been contained within the ambit of sexual assault, which also includes acts that fail to be regarded as intercourse, by several regimes. For a long duration of time…

  • History of Prostitution in India: Analytical Essay

    Abstract This research paper focuses on Prostitution. It focuses on the history of prostitution in India, types of prostitutes, prostitution in various places in India, prostitutes’ story, causation of prostitution in India, prostitutions impact, legal perspective of prostitution, remedial measures, agencies for rehabilitation of prostitutes, and conclusion. Prostitution is legal in India. What is illegal…

  • Essay on Poverty and Unemployment in India

    To understand the level and trends of unemployment in India it is important to comprehend the relationship between unemployment with demographic transition structure and economic development in India (k., 2017) Social scientists have argued over the impact of population growth on economic growth. The debate has oscillated from the pessimistic view, which explains that population…

  • Leadership Characteristics Of Mahatma Gandhi

    Many leaders in the world guide people and help their followers through situations and events with truly remarkable talent that many people remember that leader for his extraordinary characteristics. One such leader that comes in this category is Mahatma Gandhi, the legendary freedom fighter and one of Indias founding fathers who opposed the tyranny of…