Category: Information Management

  • Managing Project Teams: Leadership and Information Systems Development

    The project as a form of organization of activity provides for such a phenomenon as teamwork. Each participant of the project solves individual tasks set by the project manager, but there are tasks that can be solved exclusively in collective interaction. Even the elementary decomposition of a key project task is fully carried out in…

  • Information Technology Project Portfolio Management

    Table of Contents Introduction PMO Implementation PPM Implementation Project governance implementation Return on investment How to mitigate conflicts, monitor culture and ensure acceptance Reference Introduction Project portfolio management (PPM) is beneficial to IT professionals in several ways apart from an overall increase in efficiency of monitoring and evaluation of ongoing projects. There is normally a…

  • Information Systems and Project Management Performance

    Introduction The article chosen for analysis was written by an Information Systems (IS) management professor with tremendous experience in the field. It is known as The relations of requirements uncertainty and stakeholder perception gaps to project management performance by James Jiang, Shelly Wu, Gary Klein and Liang, T.P for the Systems and Software Journal 82(2009):…

  • Universal Information Security Management Measures

    The cloud computing approach has become the dominant technology paradigm across the entire enterprise IT infrastructure. The cloud model has brought a myriad of new and innovative management and operational mechanisms, approaches, and frameworks to nearly every industry. However, it has also created a lot of new and unknown risks and increased the likelihood of…

  • E-Government and Information Age Management

    Introduction The gradual development of technological science in the contemporary world has remained the most anticipated issue in any developed and developing economy (Ackerman & Sandoval 2006). Technological advancements in recent decades have resulted in the adoption of specific approaches to improve service provision in both governmental and non-governmental organisations (Richter, Cornford & Mcloughlin 2004…

  • Applying Information Management Solutions

    Table of Contents Case Summary and Care Implications Evaluation of Quality and Safety Indicators Analysis of Patient Safety Implications Impact of Team Communication and Team Tools Analysis of Quality Improvement Interventions Patient Values and Perspectives Nursing Documentation Solution Assessment Change Implications of the Solution for Nursing References Improvement of healthcare quality and provision of patient…

  • Information Management Improving Patient Care Technology

    The need to improve patient care in hospitals has led to the development of new technologies that assist nurses in managing, monitoring, and controlling clients conditions within the facilities. Information management allows each patients data to be recorded, stored, and easily retrieved by health professionals when needed (Bhatt & Chakraborty, 2021). This has helped health…

  • Information Systems Management

    Information systems in my organization represent a well-balanced and convenient set of applications that is supposed to maximize performance and increase the quality of life for practitioners and their patients. This paper will explain the SI background, communication software, database, electronic health product choice, enterprise resource planning, business intelligence, and cyberthreat awareness considerations. This information…

  • Strategic Information Management: 99 Cents Only Store

    Introduction Strategic information management is defined in the broad contexts as handling of information in an organization to provide value, maintain competitive advantage, and streamline core functions. Information management has become synonymous with strategic management especially in the current global village. Prosperous organizations capitalize on total quality management in all departments of organization that include…

  • Operations and Information Management: A Case Study of CC Music

    Introduction Operations management (OM) is the regulation of business procedures inside an enterprise to achieve the best degree of effectiveness achievable. It focuses on transforming labor and raw materials into merchandise and offerings as effectively as feasible to increase a companys profit (Miai & Perakis, 2020). To operate a thriving record company, for instance, CC…