Category: inspiration

  • Stella Youngs Speech: I Am Not Your Inspiration

    Do we not all expect motivation from a disabled person if at all he or she stepped on a platform? Stella Young answers this question in her speech, I am not your inspiration, thank you very much. She gives detailed information on the topic of handicap people as a source of inspiration from her point…

  • Theological Translatability, Inspiration, and Authority in Religious Traditions

    Table of Contents Global South and Theological Translatability Inspiration Degrees of Authoritativeness of Scriptures References Global South and Theological Translatability The field of global politics is in constant change and adaptation to new realities and contexts. Because of it, various political terms and concepts have outdated, modified, novel, or deceptive meanings. A striking example of…

  • Socrates Metaphors as an Inspiration

    Socrates and Plato were always perceived as wise philosophers and changed the perceptions of the society and the insufficiency of the government while underlining the gravity of the principles of good and bad. Socrates dialogue with Glaucon about the darkness of the cave and puppet-like nature of the world was the primary inspiration to continue…

  • Mitch Alboms Inspirational Memoir: Tuesdays with Morrie

    Table of Contents Introduction Analytical Analysis Conclusion References Introduction The story Tuesdays with Morrie written by Mitch Albom is considered to be a biographical story disclosing the real-life of sociologists. The novel was written in 1997 and gained recognition as one of the most significant works of the literature world. The work is devoted to…

  • Evaluating the Manifest Destiny: Violence Masked as Inspiration

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body References Footnotes Introduction The concept of expansion and the colonization of North American lands, which was engraved into the Manifest Destiny, is an admittedly controversial topic that needs to be studied further in order to embrace the effects of colonization on the modern relationships within American society. While studying…

  • Nursing: Retaining Inspiration Amidst Routine

    Nursing: Science or Art? Balancing Between the Art and Science of Nursing Although nursing is typically viewed from an academic perspective, there are two sides to the phenomenon in question; particularly, it can be viewed as not only science but also art. Claiming that nursing can only be defined as one of the two would…

  • My Mother Is My Source of Inspiration: Speech

    Do you have an idol? Many people do, nowadays. To some, those are sportsmen; to others  pop-stars, singers, Hollywood stars and dancers. I do not need to go far or look too hard for a role model. I take inspiration from a person I am close to, and whom I love very much. That…

  • Transformational and Inspirational Leadership

    Transformational leadership is a process in which leaders and their followers elevate each other to high levels of motivation. A benefit of transformational leadership is leadership through development (Liu & Li, 2018). It is associated with the care that the leader shows for subordinates (Khan et al., 2020). A leader listens to the needs of…

  • The Use of Motivation and Inspiration in Business

    Table of Contents Introduction Motivation and Inspiration How Managers and Leaders Use Motivation and Inspiration Conclusion Reference List Introduction Organizations deliver services to their customers via employees. For customers to be contented with the offered services, employee motivation towards the fulfillment of a firms goals aims, and objectives is incredibly important. Organizations that seek to…

  • The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo as Inspiration

    Table of Contents Inspiration Piece Students Art Piece Connection References Rethinking the past is beneficial for idea generation, so turning to the universally recognized masterpieces for inspiration is a common practice. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, one of the key tourist attractions of the Vatican, is among such thought-provoking pieces. This paper presents a…