Category: Insurance

  • Insurance Data Processing and Storage: Edge Computing

    Insurance companies process much consumer data to innovate while aligning strategic organizational objectives to the evolving customer needs framework. Big data is a common denominator, from health, property, disability, automobile, to life insurance packages. With the current advancements in technology, consumers personalization and data privatization have become the firsthand priority. Therefore, insurance companies must leverage…

  • Life Insurance Inc.s Yes2Life Mobile Application

    Executive Summary This report presents the documented design of the Yes2Life mobile application for Life Insurance Inc. based in Brisbane Australia. The document defines the background of the Client Company, business scenario, and scope of the project. The projected challenges in the development process are highlighted as well as the software features that need to…

  • Life Insurance: Theory and Practice

    Life insurance can be defined as the contract between the insurer and the person who owns the policy. Some countries include some events like bills and death expenses are included in the premium policy. The insurer is bound to pay some money in case an event happens to occur. If the insurer enters the contract,…

  • Using Mau Technique for Choosing an Insurance Package

    Treatment delivery is a multifactorial process, as it includes monitoring, evaluation, intervention, and prevention over the long term. An insurance plans choice combines financial and non-material parts, as the optimal package must correspond to the economic and medical benefits. Four coverage plans were analyzed, taking into account performance reports, which show the core segments quality…

  • Using Mau Technique for Choosing an Insurance Package

    Treatment delivery is a multifactorial process, as it includes monitoring, evaluation, intervention, and prevention over the long term. An insurance plans choice combines financial and non-material parts, as the optimal package must correspond to the economic and medical benefits. Four coverage plans were analyzed, taking into account performance reports, which show the core segments quality…

  • Selling Life Insurance Policies: Viatical Settlements Analysis

    Viatical settlements allow people with a life expectancy of two or fewer years to sell their life insurance policy for a value higher than the policys current face value but less than its death benefit. It is primarily used by people with terminal illnesses to cater to their healthcare expenses, however, the law allows healthy…

  • Maritime Insurance: A Case Study Law Report

    Introduction Operations in most sectors of the economy are regulated by a wide range of legal and other forms of provisions. For example, operators in the banking sector have to adhere to various legislations touching on the industry. Disputes arising in the industry are resolved with the help of these legal frameworks. The maritime is…

  • Medical Insurance among the Citizens: Statistical Research

    Discussion Healthy People 2020 is a project that comprises numerous recommendations related to health care and health promotion among Americans. The topic is related to access to medical insurance among the citizens of the United States. In fact, researchers working with statistical data related to the problem were using a few criteria to distinguish between…

  • Obamacare and Universal Medical Insurance Coverage

    Table of Contents Introduction Supportive Evidence Potential Solutions to the Issue Arguments for the Position Conclusion References Introduction Access to health care services has been a problem in the U.S. for a long time. The American health care system is stated to have been the most costly in the world in 2000, whereas occupying only…

  • Anthem Insurance Companies Cost Benefit Analysis

    Abstract This paper provides a cost and benefits analysis (CBA) and the evaluation of patient safety issue from the perspective of Anthem. In general, the problem can be affected by evidence-based education, which will improve the outcomes of care. It is estimated that the program implementation would costs $97,446. However, the total of all monetary…