Category: Intelligence

  • Zero-Size Intelligence: Essential Benefits

    Science and technological development of the modern world provides individuals with numerous opportunities. Today, people can instantly share information, talk to one another being on different continents, and others. This state of affairs was only a dream a few decades ago, but humanity still keeps improving its technology. Zero-size intelligence is one of the latest…

  • Emerging Technologies: Intelligence Building

    The growing concerns about the emerging threats to security mean that intuitions have to upgrade their security system to include intelligence gathering system based on information technology. In this hospital security as well as information technology officers concerned with security issues do want to upgrade and include intelligent building IT based systems in a new…

  • Alex Wissner-Gross A New Equation for Intelligence: Maximizing the Diversity of Possible Futures

    In his fascinating TED talk, A new equation for Intelligence, Alex Wissner-Gross discusses the way people can use intelligence, as a physical force, to maximize the diversity of possible futures. He elaborates on how future options can be kept open through the application of the study findings from the latest research in animal behavior, physics,…

  • The Internets Effects on Intelligence in Digital Age

    Today, the Internet in association with mobile phones, TV, and video games is a controversial topic. Some people view these technological advances as dangerous and stupefying; however, I disagree with this view. I believe that the use of the Internet and modern devices do not make the population stupider. Instead, it is the inevitable progress…

  • Overview of the Future of Intelligence

    What future technologies, not currently in existence, do you foresee being used to further communication, particularly in interview and interrogation situations? I see Developments in surveillance systems, biometrics and DNA analysis that will help the Officer have all the information available to them during the interview and interrogations process. According to Janniro, M. (1991) Studies…

  • Foreign Intelligence Surveillance: Government Employs Backdoor Searches

    Surveillance of citizens and the use of their personal data creates excessive pressure on society, threatens peoples privacy, and is not beneficial. For these reasons, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) demands modifications. The certification process outlined under FISA Section 702 requires changes that will safeguard the freedom of non-Americans is not limited. The loose…

  • History and Benefits of Artificial General Intelligence

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Artificial Intelligence is a broad-based division of computer science specializing in the development of intelligent machines with the ability to perform tasks requiring human intellect. It is a science with many disciplines, approaches, and programmable functions and a capability to learn, reason, solve problems, and make…

  • What Is Intelligence: Aspects and Definition

    People have been trying to study the level of intelligence and improve it in different species for centuries. Many types of research and studies in various subjects, such as biology, neurobiology, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, etc., have been written over the years. It can be suggested that people are close to understanding the nature of intelligence…

  • Intelligence: Definition and Theories

    Intelligence is the ability to reason, solve problems, make decisions and learn new concepts. Additionally, creativity and emotional knowledge constitute the intelligence levels of an individual. My IQ test result is 103, reflecting my intelligence levels since the test focuses on analytic and mental capabilities (Ruhl, 2020). Some ways of improving my intelligence are reading…

  • Race and Intelligence: Sterilization and Confinement in California

    Table of Contents Racial Context Research of IQ Role of Genetic Factors Conclusion Works Cited Since the advent of intelligence tests in the early 20th century, the relationship between race and intellect has been the subject of debate in both popular science and research literature. However, such tests demonstrate the disparities in average IQ scores…