Category: Intelligence

  • The Equation for Intelligence by Wisner-Gross

    Wisner-Gross combines science and engineering principles to obtain an equation for intelligence F = T  SÄ. He goes ahead to elaborate that intelligence is a force that acts to create more options while using a strength T incorporating the diversity of possibly accessible features S up to a future time horizon Ä. Historic incidences…

  • Analysis of Intelligence Tests Assessment

    The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) and The Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT) are two standard methods to evaluate intelligence among children. The former assesses five primary areas  visual spatial, verbal comprehension, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and working memory (Eckerd, 2022). As a result, WISC-IV and WISC-V provide an accurate overview of the…

  • Intelligence Definition and Description

    Numerous disciplines have differing definitions of intelligence, which makes it harder to describe and classify it. Various psychologists have proposed various intelligence; for example, Sternberg (2020) proposed multiple intelligence. Both of these propositions have some generalizations stemming from the theories of intelligence. Although there are divergent viewpoints regarding intelligence, the most appropriate definition should be…

  • To Which Extent Are Sex and Intelligence Interrelated?

    There is a difference in the distribution of the cognitive skills between the two genders, that is the male and the female gender. The research about sex and intelligence has been conducted for a long time raising several controversies and interesting findings. When analyzing the issue of sex and intelligence there are a number of…

  • What Is Intelligence: Aspects and Definition

    People have been trying to study the level of intelligence and improve it in different species for centuries. Many types of research and studies in various subjects, such as biology, neurobiology, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, etc., have been written over the years. It can be suggested that people are close to understanding the nature of intelligence…

  • The Mirror Study of Intelligence in Animals

    Numerous studies with different methods have been conducted to determine whether animals possess intelligence and what that intelligence is. Elephant mirror research was one of these studies covered in the article. Mirror study indicates elephants are pretty smart. The research is valid since the ability to recognize oneself in a mirror marks self-consciousness, so the…

  • Measurements of Intelligence and Why They Are Good

    The measurements of intelligence are a controversial topic, and it is stated sometimes that intelligence cannot be measured at all. However, in my opinion, intelligence can be measured and even should be. The tools such as intelligence quotient, based on the standardized test, are well known, but it is commonly believed that intelligence is beyond…

  • Intelligence: Definition and Theories

    Intelligence is the ability to reason, solve problems, make decisions and learn new concepts. Additionally, creativity and emotional knowledge constitute the intelligence levels of an individual. My IQ test result is 103, reflecting my intelligence levels since the test focuses on analytic and mental capabilities (Ruhl, 2020). Some ways of improving my intelligence are reading…

  • Race and Intelligence: Sterilization and Confinement in California

    Table of Contents Racial Context Research of IQ Role of Genetic Factors Conclusion Works Cited Since the advent of intelligence tests in the early 20th century, the relationship between race and intellect has been the subject of debate in both popular science and research literature. However, such tests demonstrate the disparities in average IQ scores…

  • Intelligence and Cognitive Skills in Piagets Theory

    Abstract The paper aims to highlight the peculiarities of the childs development based on the theory of Piaget. The provided observations and the discussion section contribute to a better perception of the information. The theory of cognitive development proposed by Piaget is centered on the development of intelligence and cognitive skills. The childs development is…