Category: Interests

  • Analysis Of The Effect Of Product And Tourism Promotion On Tourist Return Interests

    Tourism is a variety of tourism activities supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, businessmen, government and local government. Tourism is a trip that is carried out by a person or group of people by visiting a particular place for recreational purposes, personal development, or studying tourist attractions that are visited in…

  • Cinematography, Photography And Film Making As My Scholarly Interests

    Specifically my interests are real world production based training, researching new technologies, techniques and workflows,and developing my own artistic style. In addition to that I do a lot of research on the history of Photography and that leads me to establish the Photomuse, Indias First photography museum and a rural art gallery which always interpret…

  • Assaulting Autocracy: U.S. Interests And Interference In Libya

    Abstract This paper will discuss questions of U.S. interests involved with possible interference in Libya, first through economic and geopolitical lenses. Then, these interests will be practically balanced and weighed against the respective harms to U.S. geopolitical, economic, national security, and even environmental interests. Then, the moral question will be addressed, with benefits the U.S.…

  • Which Voting System Is Best At Representing Diverse Interests?

    Voting is one of the most important parts of politics. Voting ensures freedom of speech and the existence of democracy. Voting is a basic process that keeps a nations governmental system works. It enables the citizens to choose their own government. It also allows the people to choose their representatives in the government. The purpose…

  • Business Interests In Public Policy

    Introduction The long-standing discussion around the policy development and the political actors that play the most crucial role in it has been lying on the root of another colloquy: power in policy making (Hill, 2009). This paper enters the debate by primarily tracing back to its forebear, id est the Marxian political theory and the…

  • Charlie Gard Case Ethics

    Introduction Charlie Gard was diagnosed with infantile-onset encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDDS), an uncommon hereditary illness leading to gradual muscle weakness and brain damage. Charlie also suffered from congenital hearing loss and severe epilepsy. There was a hypothetical prospect that a novel nucleoside therapy might improve Charlies prognosis. Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) contemplated…

  • What Is Your Favourite Word and Why: Essay

    Serendipity is my favorite word. It is defined as the occurrence of fortune purely by accident; finding good things even while we are not looking for them. Reminiscing on life, and the winding roads that have led me here, Im convinced that Im the product of little pockets of serendipity. For example, after high school,…

  • Why I Want to Be a Cheerleader Essay

    As the crowd roars and the team takes the field, there is one group of athletes that is always there to support and encourage them: the cheerleaders. Their bright smiles, infectious energy, and unwavering spirit inspire both the players and the fans. It’s no wonder why so many young athletes aspire to become cheerleaders themselves,…

  • What Is Your Favorite Sport Essay

    Introduction Sports have always played a significant role in my life, but there is one sport that holds a special place in my heart: basketball. From the sound of squeaking sneakers on the hardwood to the exhilarating atmosphere of a packed stadium, basketball has captured my attention and ignited a passion within me. In this…

  • Informative Essay about Interests

    Should we care more about the interests of humans than the interest of animals? In most cases, people view the interests of humans as more important than the interests of animals. The rationale behind this view is that people think that they should direct all their actions toward fulfilling their needs. For example, when people…