Category: International Marketing

  • Internationalization of a Bicycle Company: India & the US

    Factors Affecting Internationalization of Bicycle Company The need for internationalization of companies began when firms saw the necessity to increase their export efforts due to the declining domestic consumptions (Andersen, 1993, p.209; Athukorala, 1995, p.2). However, their continued experience on the international markets exposed several challenges that impacted on their business. Such factors like globalization,…

  • Reasons for Companies to Enter Foreign Market

    However, there are five distinct but mutually related reasons why companies decide to enter foreign markets, which is intended to result in an increase in income. These motives are: to gain access to new customers, to achieve lower costs through economies of scale, experience, and increased purchasing power, to gain access to low-cost inputs of…

  • McDonalds in Hong Kong and Taiwan

    Hong Kong is one of the largest dynamic financial centers globally, with correspondingly high food and lodging prices. McDonalds in the region is often open 24/7, which is why some residents use the restaurant as a home to sleep. In 2018, a study was conducted that showed that 72% of people who sleep at McDonalds…

  • International Marketing: A Case Study of Sanctuary Spa (UK)

    Global marketing principles and possibilities are precise and realizable; therefore, the worldwide marketplace cannot be compared to the home economy. Due to tradition, dialect, legislation, and other considerations, each country offers entrepreneurs a unique problem. These issues may also exist at the national and municipal levels, necessitating even more tailored approaches. When a company joins…

  • Internationalization on Example of Sony Company

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction In the modern world, Sony is a multinational enterprise that produces and sells various goods, such as gaming consoles, TVs, smartphones, technological devices, and even movies. Sony is a Japanese corporation with its headquarters in Tokyo; however, it developed over time and currently functions in regions…

  • A Ceviche Business in the Chinese Market

    Introducing a new cuisine to a foreign land is challenging. In my business model, I plan to introduce ceviche to the Chinese. This dish is less prevalent in the region as many people eat cooked and less sour fish. However, some Chinese have adopted eating raw fish in sushi through the neighboring Japanese cuisine. The…

  • International Marketing Plan of Progresso Soups in Santiago, Chile

    Abstract This report presents an international business proposal for the expansion of the GMI company through the marketing of Progresso soups in Santiago, Chile. The report focuses on the country analysis and the possible measures the company could take to allow the successful marketing of Progresso Soup products. Progresso Soups have a target audience of…

  • International Marketing: Personal View

    Introduction When I was enrolled to pursue a course in international marketing, I thought the knowledge would not be usable until I am employed. However, that has not been the case as I have found the course applicable in my daily life. Unlike earlier days, when I could ignore matters to do with business, I…

  • Pret a Manger Companys Foreign Entry Mode Selection

    Introduction It is argued that a company should employ comprehensive and efficient expansion strategies if it strives to maintain a sustainable growth in the future. In the case under consideration, Pret A Manger, a British fast food restaurant chain, is the subject of the discussion of an appropriate foreign market entry strategy. The company is…

  • Beware the Pitfalls of Global Marketing by Kashani

    Table of Contents Summary Contentions Global Marketing Pitfalls Works Cited Summary Kashani addresses some of the problems that he believes to be characteristic of the global marketing environment. Five propositions, including the issue of expansion into a wider market, the transfer of promotion activities from local to global levels, the need to adopt a different…