Category: Job

  • Log in You said:What are 5 creative things I could do with my kids’ art? I don’t



    Log in You said:What are 5 creative things I could do with my kids’ art? I don’t want to throw them away, but it’s also so much clutter. ChatGPT said:ChatGPT Here are five creative ways to repurpose your kids’ art without creating clutter: Create a Rotating Gallery: Use frames or a dedicated wall space to…

  • Understanding Of The Registered Nurse And Midwifes Role



    As we have moved through the 21st century, the role of a midwife has significantly changed. The focus of the role has become centred around caring for the mother and child before, during and after birth. Treating women with complications has become more common and there are more resources and knowledge to assist mothers and…

  • Role And Responsibility Of Registered Nurse



    What is a nurse? If someone were asked to describe the role of a nurse there could be many different answers. To a lot of people, a nurse will be viewed as someone who is there to support their patients, to be a friendly face and to give patients and family reassurance when needed. When…

  • Why Do You Choose To Work In The Air Force As A Nurse?



    I choose to join the Air Force as a nurse because I am passionate about providing unique patient care to individuals in the military. The thought of caring for the heroes who fight for not only our nation but the entire world makes me feel accomplished and contented. In particular, becoming a nurse in the…

  • Nurse: History, Responsibilities, Conditions And Wages



    Nursing has helped people come a long way. Many new diseases have been discovered over the years. Nurses and scientists have also found new medications to treat these diseases. It has done wonders for many people. Nursing is significant to keep people vibrant and healthy. History of a Nurse Nursing has a great deal of…

  • Needle Thoracentesis: A Critical Evaluation Of A Paramedic Clinical Intervention



    The skill of Needle Thorococentesis (NT) has been a core paramedic skill for many years (Reichman, 2018), used to halt the development of a Tension Pneumothorax (TP). TPs occur in 1 in 250 of major trauma patients, equating to 0.4%, and lead to rapid death if not treated timely and effectively (Leech et al, 2016).…

  • The Roles Of Nurse Practitioner



    Over the last decade, Advance Practice roles have gained a tremendous amount of popularity. The role of a Nurse Practitioner first gained its popularity back in 1965, when a public health nurse named Loretta Ford, a pediatrician, would establish the first NP certification program. It was then; primary care physicians would slowly start to move…

  • Narrative Essay about Nursing



    The Importance of Caring: My Journey Into Nursing Nursing is more than treating an illness; rather it is focused on delivering quality patient care that is individualized to the needs of each patient. The purpose of this paper is to describe my personal philosophies of nursing along with the philosophy of a nursing theorist and…

  • What Is Nursing: Essay



    When I think of nursing as a career, I cannot help but think that the laws, practices, and procedures all started with someones theories and thoughts. Obviously, people such as Florence Nightingale come to mind, however, there is one more person in particular that really stood out to me, Isabel Hampton Robb, an American nurse…

  • What Is Professional Nursing: Essay



    Professional practice What is professional practice? Professional practice assures that the standard of treatment of the nurses and midwives is upheld; their work is continually displayed and reviewed, concentrating on nursing and midwifery history, legislation, governance, administration, and administrative and legislative practices (Youtube, 2019). Professional practice is in embracing the maximum scope of the profession…