Category: Julius Caesar

  • What Led Up to the Assassination of Julius Caesar

    Gaius Julius Caesar was an ancient Roman politician who transformed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Caesar became an outstanding general, orator, writer, and reformer. The person was consul of the Roman Republic and then accomplished the conquest of all of Gaul and parts of Britain as proconsul. Caesar participated in the civil war,…

  • Julius Caesar, the Dictator of the Roman Empire

    Julius Caesar was one of the most famous rulers of Rome who became a dictator of the Roman Empire. However, his rule was shortened by the assassination of Caesar by his rivals. Julius Caesar was a man who was capable of many things due to the fact that he was born into a noble family…

  • Ethos in Julius Caesar: Rhetoric Analysis Essay

    The author analyses why Brutus obsession with honor and how it is called into question by the action of the play while exploring the character’s reasons for using certain rhetorical methods. Having sensed Brutus’s ‘passions of some difference’ regarding Caesar as a potential tyrant, Cassius proposes, like an honest mirror, to reveal Brutus’s ‘hidden worthiness’…

  • Essay on Julius Caesar: Study Guide Answers

    Study Guide Q: Select an allusion and analyze its significance (how does the speaker use it to illustrate a specific point?). Cite the lines. A: An allusion in the book is when Cassius would try to get Brutus to join him in the killing of Julius Caesar. Cassius says, Like a Colossus, and we petty…

  • Eh Too Brutus ‘E tu, Brute?’: Critical Analysis Essay

    By dramatizing and manipulating history, composers exemplify how intrapersonal conflict leads to internalized vacillation and uncertainty, emphasizing the impacts of conflict to engage the audience. Shakespeare first introduces the audience to Brutus inner conflict at the beginning of the play, Than that poor Brutus, with himself at war, he describes himself as poor and with…

  • Honour in Julius Caesar: Critical Analysis

    In 1599, William Shakespeare composed the misfortune play of Julius Caesar, a play dependent on the existence of Caesar. It recounts an account of a Roman government official named Brutus who contrived with others to assassinate Caesar. This essay seeks to discuss the nature of honor as a main theme in Julius Caesar. The play…

  • Analytical Essay on Why Did Brutus Join the Conspiracy:

    This play teaches us about deception and manipulation to create an environment where it seems no one can be trusted. This play is still relevant and can teach us a lot about modern-day society and the fundamental parts of politics. Looking over the past, nothing much has changed. Interpreting the play from different perspectives grants…

  • Betrayal in Julius Caesar: Critical Analysis Essay

    Actions have always proved to speak louder than words and thoughts. You can think whatever you want about yourself, and you can perceive yourself in any way but none of that matters when you put that against what you are physically doing to other people. The actions of oneself are what get called into question…

  • Argumentative Essay on Why Was Julius Caesar a Good Leader

    Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman who lived between July 12th, 100 BC to March 15th, 44 BC. Caesar was a member of the First Triumvirate who led the Roman soldiers in the Gallic Wars before defeating Pompey in a civil war and becoming dictator of Rome from 49 BC until his…

  • Brutus Versus Cassius: Compare and Contrast Essay

    Brutus goes through a chat with Cassius. This happens to appear in Act 4 scene 3. The conversation was held in their camps in Brutus ten, where Brutus was conveying his sentiments about the homicide of Caesar. Brutus and Cassius are having a sustained quarrel. Where Brutus is blaming Cassius for becoming more of an…