Category: Justice

  • American Policing and Social Justice

    Social justice is a phenomenon that reflects the economic, political, legal, and moral conditions of life and the development of society. Justice is a social criterion of law that determines the main mechanisms for ensuring social well-being and regulating the norms of human relations between themselves, the state, their rights, and responsibilities (Capeheart & Milovanovic,…

  • The Basis of Distributive Justice

    Distributive justice is guided by objectiveness and aspires to make people live in equality, equity, and depending on their needs. However, such theory is quite ambiguous because it plays out differently in diverse situations, and it led to fierce discussions in philosophy, the social sciences, and others. Regardless of procedural justice, distributive justice concentrates not…

  • Reproductive Success and Distributive Justice

    The notion of social construction helps to define and explain social relations, realities, and the importance of knowledge sharing. Following Beaumie Kim (2001): Social constructivism emphasizes the importance of culture and context in understanding what occurs in society and constructing knowledge based on this understanding. The four tenets of social constructivism are knowledge, reality, learning,…

  • Racial Justice Issues Analysis

    Racial justice issues are a persistent problem contributed by classifying and treating people based on various factors that define them. These factors may include considering that a person belongs to populations from particular geographical regions with similar physical appearance. Additionally, individuals country of origin is a fundamental factor used to determine their race or ethnicity,…

  • Social Justice and Pregnant Addicted Mothers

    The issue of drug addiction among pregnant mothers has been a concern among medical experts. When a pregnant mother is addicted to alcohol and drug, she may end up causing irreparable damage to the unborn child. At the time of birth, the child may have physical or mental deformities that it may be forced to…

  • Getting Involved in Advocacy Practice for Social Justice

    Analyzing the main factors influencing the willingness of people to get involved in advocacy efforts is the key to figuring out how to boost the activity of the workers. Chapter 3 Getting Involved of Advocacy Practice for Social Justice provides an in-depth analysis of the valid literature resources exploring the specifics of getting involved in…

  • Procedural Justice in Contacts with The Police Analysis

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussion References Abstract This study looked into the relational model of authority (Tyler & Lind, 1992) that emphasizes the role of procedural justice in the public evaluation of and support for the police, focusing on victim-police interactions. The abstract fulfills most of the requirements by the American Psychological…

  • What Is More Important  Love or Justice?

    Love and justice are the two concepts that form the basis of ethical and moral principles. These two principles cannot exist without each other, and without each it is impossible to imagine the natural tendency of the human soul, character, and nature. However, the question of the importance of the above elements occupies the minds…

  • The Animal Rights Movement for Justice

    Table of Contents Brief History of the Animal Rights Movement Relevant Ethical Problems Ethical Motivation for Cooperation References Brief History of the Animal Rights Movement This paper aims to highlight a critical social justice movement that touches beings that are barely protected by society  animals. The idea that animals possess personal qualities akin to…

  • Social Justice in the Modern World

    Social justice is a broad term that covers all areas of human life and intersects with many other concepts close to sociology, such as mental health. As a result, people of different educational backgrounds use different interpretations of it. Every person builds a unique explanation of the theory, and there is no one specific definition.…