Category: Leader

  • Nelson Mandela’s Imprisonment Essay

    Leadership is a social process in which an individual uses the support of others in attaining particular goals. A leader is an individual who is moving towards a certain direction, whereas managing to influence others to be his or her followers. Nelson Mandela is one of the leaders who demonstrated clear leadership styles during his…

  • The Importance of Finding Personal Strengths for a Leader

    It seems to be human nature to contemplate on our weaknesses rather than our strengths. It appears natural to ponder upon our weaknesses and search for methods to bridge this deficit area. Although, it is imperative to understand and substitute ones weaknesses we must also actively examine or strengths. Leaders must effectively utilize their strengths…

  • Leader in Today’s Challenging World

    Rapid and unprecedented changes are taking place in the business world as humans develop in their cognitive abilities, and these are further fueled by the advancement in technology, leading to increased dynamism in humans thought process. Global provocations in the print of climate change and the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic are also crucial factors that are…

  • Essay on Positive Leader in My Life

    What is a leader? A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a common goal. This goal can be either positive or negative, and depending on the goal to achieve is whether the leader is positive or negative. An influential leader in my life is my mother because…

  • Definition of a Leader

    What is a leader and who is the leader? A leader is a person who is willing to lead a group in a different situation. Being a leader is not only for a person who is good at talking or communicating and have many skills, but this position can be for all of us. A…

  • Analysis of Features of a Good Leader

    Good leaders never know all the answers. The best leaders strive constantly to learn and grow, connect with people, challenge themselves, improve their teams, and develop better ideas. But first and foremost, people should understand intuitively that if you cant lead yourself effectively, everything else in your life will be a struggle. Self-leadership comes first.…

  • Me as an Aspiring Hospitality Leader

    During this course I have taken various types of self-assessment tests and the results to those were very thought-provoking. Never have I thought that these types of tests would be so accurate and interesting. The most significant key learnings that have stuck with me are the personality assessment tests called Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the…

  • Oprah Winfrey as a Great Leader: Informative Essay

    Oprah is a great leader because she has been through so much and she never gave up. There are plenty of things I will mention that shows this, but one thing is what I believe made her strong from being a child is the fact she was sexually abused by her family when she was…

  • What Is a Creative Leader and My Potential and Ability to Become One

    Regarding forgiveness, research find that an individual with forgiveness ability can contribute to beneficial relational connections, achieve better cooperation, work fulfillment, individual resolve, innovative problem-solving, a feeling of adaptability when confronting changes, and productivity. For instance, there are frustrating things occur such as someone affronts me at work or the undesirable result comes out in…

  • Nelson Mandela Achievements Essay

    Many great leaders across the world have inspired everybody with their visionary personalities. Among those great leaders, Nelson Mandela is the one who inspires me the most. Nelson Mandela was the first ever democratically elected black president of South Africa and a Nobel Prize winner. He struggled to end the intolerant culture of racial discrimination…