Category: Legal Issues

  • Legal Issues Analysis: Sexual Harassment

    Table of Contents Introduction Sexual Harassment Legal Concerns Challenges of Managing Sexual Harassment Conclusion References Introduction The issue of sexual harassment has of late become thorny in society. Recent newspaper articles have focused mainly on the subject and the corresponding effect it has on society at large. Workplaces have been dogged by claims of sexual…

  • Operation Geronimos Legal Issues

    Operation Geronimo by U.S Navy SEALS during which Osama Bin Laden was executed was conducted on May 2, 2011, and has raised questions on the legality and permissibility of targeted executions. The U.S laws justify the killing since he was a leader of an organized armed group that had engaged in combat at a scale…

  • Operation Geronimos Legal Issues

    Operation Geronimo by U.S Navy SEALS during which Osama Bin Laden was executed was conducted on May 2, 2011, and has raised questions on the legality and permissibility of targeted executions. The U.S laws justify the killing since he was a leader of an organized armed group that had engaged in combat at a scale…

  • Criminal Evidence and Legal Issue

    The special balancing test used in evaluating the admissibility of prior uncharged felony convictions of a defendant who takes the stand The prior convictions of a defendant who takes the stand usually have only slight relevance to the current prosecution but can have an emotional impact upon the juries (Hails, 2009, p. 60). Under the…

  • Legal Issues and Benefits over Surrogacy

    Surrogacy is the act of a woman gestating and birthing a baby for another woman (Anleu, 30). Examples of this phenomenon can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible. For Abraham and his wife Sarah to be able to have children one of their servants carried the child to term (Anleu, 30). Over…

  • Fire in the Company: Legal and Managerial Issues Arising

    Introduction Fire is one of the risks that organizations face. It is known that the fire risk has contributed to the fall and collapse of many organizations. The loss associated with fire is always severe and is beyond approximation; it is behind this background that there needs to be a well-organized fire control and reduction…

  • Legal Issues in Higher Education

    According to White (2005), there are various legal issues that may affect the work of faculty college members. These may include faculty employment, gender discrimination, copyright infringement, and free expression among others. White also identifies sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and possession of weapons as legal issues that affect college administrators as they deal with student…

  • Operation Geronimo: Resolving Legal Issues

    Table of Contents Introduction Humanitarian Law vs. Human Rights Law Hors de Combat Argument The Necessity of Consent from the Government of Pakistan Conclusion References Introduction For the majority of common people in the West, Operation Geronimo, which resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, was and still is considered as an indisputably right…

  • Legal Issues of Opening a Restaurant Business

    Starting a successful business is every entrepreneurs dream. A great concept and protecting it is the first phase of a business start-up. Joseph, who is opening a small restaurant business, needs to be conversant with the local, state, and federal laws that govern his business enterprises operation. Although understanding the legal requirements to avoid conflicts…

  • Legal Issues Regarding Medical Records

    Responding to the subpoena, it is essential to comply with all legal and regulatory rules. Since it is stated that medical professionals have 30 days to respond in writing to the request of the attorney for the subpoena, it is necessary to gather the information and find a possible solution. Firstly, subpoena duces tecum from…