Category: LGBTQ

  • The Portrayal of the LGBTQ+ Population in the Media

    Many scholars have investigated the portrayal of the LGBTQ+ population in the media, noting that it does not always reflect reality. Seif (2017) provides an analysis of several characteristics of gay and lesbian characters in the media. They include gendered stereotypes, victimization, representation as villains, a sexual depiction, or a complete absence of such, and…

  • Transgender Bias in News Coverage

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Bias is present in a significant amount of modern news coverage as society has become increasingly polarized on a variety of socio-political issues. In the context of increasing LGBTQ activism and recognition, transgenderism faces the greatest controversy and public backlash. Transgender individuals refer to people…

  • The Problem of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Suicidality

    Table of Contents Introduction Responses Changes in Views Paradigm Shift Conclusion References Introduction Recently, there was a sharp increase in cases of suicides committed by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth. Councilman Joel Burns of the Fort Worth City Council delivers a speech on the subject, connecting the growing rate with the bullying…

  • Gay Marriages Legality Discussion

    Table of Contents Same Sex Marriage, Ethics and Law Cases of Same Sex Marriage Conclusion Works cited Gay marriage is a union that is characterized by the joining together between spouses of similar sex and which is acknowledged legally like the vows of a conventional marriage (Boswell, 1993, p. 215). Gay rights advocates have been…

  • Controversy on Gay Marriage in the U.S.

    In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. More and more, gay couples are insisting that they receive the same legal rights that the traditional, heterosexual married couples receive. Gay rights advocates believe that it is inequitable and biased to refuse to give…

  • Homosexuality in Canada

    Table of Contents Origin of Homosexuality Homosexuality  by birth or by choice Theoretical Perspectives of Homosexuality Societal Perception of Homosexuality Conservatives and Liberals Views on Homosexuality Homosexual Parenting and Adoption Marriages Rights Conclusion Bibliography Origin of Homosexuality Homosexuality can be explained in three main dimensions: biological, behavioral and psychodynamic dimensions of homosexual orientations. Homosexuality…

  • Gay Marriages in the Media: Different Opinions About the Question

    Gay marriages are rather common affairs in the modern world. Many countries began to think about the legalization of same-sex marriages. The problem is up-to-date as more people fight for their rights in the global democratization movement. The opinions about the problem are rather different and even opposite. People, who support same-sex marriages, give their…

  • The Issue of the Gay-Marriage Movement in the United States

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Analysis of the Issue Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Obtaining acceptance and special recognition marriages and unions is only one of a series of intensely contested factors that have arisen since the American gay and lesbian rights movement increased to fame in the heated political atmosphere of the 1970s. Today,…

  • Sidesteps Broad Gay Marriage Ruling

    Table of Contents Introduction Gay Marriage Is Moral Conclusion References Introduction The article, Sidesteps Broad Gay Marriage Ruling, by Peralta Eyder, explores the controversial 2013 ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) by the US Supreme Court. In the tradition of most countries, marriage is considered a legal, religious, or traditional union between a…

  • Gay Rights and ACT UP Struggle

    Obtaining acceptance and special recognition gay rights movement is only one of a series of intensely contested factors that have arisen since the American rights movement increased to fame in the heated political atmosphere of the 1970s. Today, the political implications of gay rights do not concern the perceptions of others. Gay rights directly implicate…