Category: Macroeconomics

  • Macroeconomics and Its Rationale in the Context of the Russian Federation

    Macroeconomics is the part of economic aspects concentrating the conduct of the total economy  at the local, national or worldwide level. While microeconomics is concerned principally with the choices made by a person inside the typical financial limitations of shortage, macroeconomics is the field of concentrate that is worried about the markers that mirror…

  • The Importance of Studying Macroeconomics by Ordinary People

    Macroeconomics is a subset within the study of economics which regards large-scale and general economic factors, and is the study of the economy as a whole. The study of macroeconomics regards topics such as a nations employment, total supply and demand, national income, inflation/deflation, total investments and savings, interest rates, overall consumption, and fluctuations in…

  • Elements Influencing the Business Environment, Supply and Demand

    The economy is significantly essential for one nations development. If the economy was depressed, many individuals and organizations would suffer seriously. In this essay, I am going to present factors that affect the business environment, explain the factors that drive supply and demand. The environmental forces that impact on companys ability to serve its customers…

  • Venezuelas Macroeconomic Crisis of 2015-2019

    Venezuela was once the richest country in South America where its economy was supported by large oil reserves. Its oil accounted for more than 90% of its exports and the Venezuelan government relied heavily on the sales. The oil exports were also a way to provide the country with imported consumer goods. However, under years…

  • Macroeconomic Trends and Their Impact on the Life of the Average Person

    At its most basic level, macroeconomics studies the interaction among the main aggregate economic variables such as: unemployment, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates, etc. It also simplifies and summarizes the interactions between the structures of the economy of an entire nation, taking into account things that apply universally to it. Considered as an important method…

  • Overview of the Brazilian Economy

    Brazil is an upper centre salary country located in South America with a populace of 195 million individuals The Net National Income (NNI) per capita in (2010) was $9,390  this was well over the upper centre salary normal of $5,884  can Brazil (one of the BRIC nations) get away from the centre pay…

  • Reflections on Whether Macroeconomics Needs Microfoundations

    Word economics derives from the Greek word meaning management of the household  an inherently derivation. The Lucas Critique (1976) triggered the recent movement within the economic discipline toward macroeconomic models needing microfoundations  a movement which has led to the removal of IS/LM models from undergraduate textbooks. We can understand microfoundations in economics as…