Category: Marijuana

  • Should Marijuana Be Legal in United States?

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The legalization of marijuana in the United States has caused a decidedly heated and divisive matter currently. Most Studies reported that around 60% of all Americans consider that marijuana should be legalized, and the remaining 40% considers that marijuana should be prohibited (Pierre 598). Marijuana contains…

  • Marijuana Use and Governmental Regulation in the US

    Ethical Issue One of the most persistent public debates in modern times involves the use of marijuana. From the 1950s, a significant section of the population has felt that the use of marijuana should not be under government regulation. However, until now any unauthorized handling of marijuana in most parts of the United States is…

  • Legalization of Marijuana Essay Example

    The legalization of marijuana is still among the most controversial topics for American society. At the moment, state laws significantly vary in terms of the limitations imposed on those willing to use marijuana for recreation and as part of treatment strategies. Even dozens of studies conducted to explore the effects of cannabis on physical and…

  • Reasons for Banning Marijuana Use

    The utilization of cannabis has expanded in all layers of society globally, with an intermittent utilization of marijuana presently being a widespread practice. At present, there is a disparity in the fields comprehension of the connection between successive marijuana use and other substance use, psychological wellness, and crime rate among the population. People support the…

  • Miami-Dade Marijuana Abuse

    Evaluating the Project Two surveys were conducted in the context of the nursing certification presentation. The pre-survey was held before the presentation, whereas the post-survey was taken after the information was presented. Both surveys were given to ten respondents in the form of a written questionnaire. The findings reveal that most nurses did not feel…

  • Marijuana Legalization and Possible Effects

    The legalization of marijuana bothers people. There are many supporters and opponents of this idea. I belong to a group where this idea cannot be accepted even regarding its possible positive outcomes. Today, media discusses the necessity of legalizing marijuana to be used for medical purposes and help patients deal with chronic illnesses (Hart &…

  • Marijuana Use Education: Policy Brief

    Table of Contents Executive Summary Context or Scope of Problem Policy Alternatives Policy Recommendations Works Cited Executive Summary In the US, cannabis was declared legal in 33 states within the last several years. This allows people to carry and use the substance without fear of criminal responsibility for such actions. However, research suggests that a…

  • Recreational Marijuana Is Beneficial in America

    Introduction The debates over whether recreational marijuana should be legalized provide various arguments that were propounded by both supporters and opponents. The legalization of the mentioned drug means not only to fully resolve its trade and use but also its support from the state, which will have the right to impose taxes and control its…

  • Rhetorical Qualities of the 1969 Marijuana PSA

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Over the years, public service announcements have become a genre in themselves, creating an environment where the focus on warning and prevention warrants significant exaggerations and, at times, even the presence of logical fallacies. A closer look at one of the earlier PSAs will show that…

  • Marijuana Legalization Debate: Arguments Against Legalization

    According to the opinion article posted by the Editorial Board of the Washington Post newspaper, the rush to legalize the use of marijuana should be rejected by Washington D.C voters. The board notes that handling of small amounts of drug was decriminalized recently and therefore, it is not logical to legalize the drug too soon.…