Category: Marijuana

  • National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws

    Table of Contents Introduction NORML Legal Functions Marijuana Laws in Texas The Severity of Texas Marijuana Laws Alternative Marijuana Legislation Conclusion Bibliography Introduction The cultivation and consumption of cannabis commonly known as marijuana (Cannabis sativa) drug for therapeutic and recreational purposes were historically legal under federal law in the United States. The therapeutic value of…

  • Contradiction for Universal Legalization of Marijuana

    Drugs theme is one of the broadly used for discussion in the world. Youth is in the zone of risk in taking drugs as the adolescent psychological peculiarities are that all must be tried in this life. It is not the secret that drugs comprise a great danger from simple addiction to the great health…

  • Marijuana Legalization and Its Use Among American Teenagers

    For the last four decades, the debate about legalization of marijuana has attracted myriad controversies (Scorza 32). Intransigent proponents of permissive marijuana policies support the notion that individuals should be allowed access to restricted amounts of marijuana for personal use. In addition, they criticize the numerous criminal sanctions associated with marijuana possession and use citing…

  • Arguments Against the Legalization of Marijuana

    Table of Contents Introduction Effects of Marijuana Conclusion References Introduction Marijuana has different names in the streets and these include; Aunt Mary, Ganja, Grass, Mary Jane, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Skunk, Weed. Marijuana is said to be among the most smoked illicit drugs. In America, marijuana tops the list of the most abused illicit drugs. It…

  • Economic Effects of Legalizing Marijuana

    Introduction Marijuana is a type of drug that is produced from the cannabis plant. It is actually the dried leaves and the flowers of the plant. Cannabis plant is easily grown in most parts of the world and is also a wild plant that grows in most parts of the United States. It is also…

  • Legalization of Marijuana and Prostitution

    Marijuana consumption and prostitution should have legal terms as any other business. Despite that, in some countries, the consumption of marijuana, as well as prostitution, has been labeled as immoral. More specifically, prostitution is one of the acts that a significant percentage of society regards as indecent. Marijuana consumption and prostitution started in ancient times;…

  • Marijuana Popularity, Its Causes and Consequences

    Many people raise their voices claiming that they are forced to drink alcohol and become addicted as they are not allowed to use marijuana which is less addictive and has fewer negative health outcomes. The debate concerning the legalization of marijuana is still ongoing (Caulkins et al. 56). Moreover, it seems to intensify as many…

  • Attitudes in South Dakota about Medical Marijuana: Recreational Use

    It is not a secret that marijuana as well as other drugs are prohibited throughout the world. Only in some countries, cannabis is legalized: Jamaica, Netherlands, some states of the USA, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, etc. Thereby, the question of marijuana legalization is a topical one in other parts of the world. The essence…

  • Marijuana Policy: Analyzing Ideology and Compromise

    The policy proposal chosen is the legalization of marijuana. The most ardent advocates of marijuana legalization would want the complete removal of restrictions on the use, possession, and sale of marijuana. They would like marijuana to be treated like any other legal substance, such as alcohol or tobacco. In order to make legalization more likely,…

  • Marijuana Legalization: Cannabis Use Among US Adolescents

    Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that has been used for thousands of years. With long-term use of this narcotic, tolerance to the effects of the drug is formed, and a person takes increasingly large doses of marijuana. As soon as tolerance to the drug is achieved, one of the long-term effects is the withdrawal syndrome…