Category: MBA

  • A Case Study on The Issues Within The Team of MBA



    There is a vast amount of issues within the team of MBAs which inhibit them from working proficiently. They exhibit all of the five dysfunctions of a team, with the biggest issues stemming from trust, commitment and accountability. The first problem exhibited is when Onyealisi arrives and Delery is surprised to see him there. Onyealisi…

  • Statement of Purpose for MBA Program



    When I first come over in United States from east Africa age 17 then, School was the last thing on my mind and did not even finish high school at time. Every time I begin to tell this story to my younger siblings they think I am bluffing. But it is true story I thought…

  • My Motivation to Get an MBA in Marketing at The University of Phoenix



    As a woman who has always had a dream of becoming great, I take pride in knowing that Ive accomplished part of what I set out to accomplish. I often hear phrases such as, Youre crazy to keep going back to school, and Who does that? Now, I am on a higher playing field, though…

  • The Statement of Purpose (MBA Program)



    Ever since I visited the Indian Oil Refinery in Panipat, I have been fascinated with the process of converting crude oil into petrol, kerosene and other oil derivatives. This inclination has driven me to pursue a career in the oil & energy sector. My vast experience in this industry has provided me with the holistic…

  • MBA STEM Degree Application: Essay Example



    I believe what was once a relatively straightforward role of supply chain manager has now become one that is complex and multifaceted. Anticipating consumer trends and demands for different goods is one way a superior supply chain manager is differentiated from a merely good one. To establish myself, I need a degree program that will…